Re: Flight Training (D3, EE, Simulators)
Alexei Herald wrote:Maybe once you get the aerospace done, I can take you two up for a ride - give her something to look forward to."
Watching the progress on the monitor, he added, "I'm not sure what kind of firepower these Black Dragons are bringing, but I'll be surprised if we get off so easy this time."
"I am sure she would like that. It would also her allow her to experience G's. I'm sure there is a difference between hearing about them and feeling them."
James ponders. "Hmmm... I think they will at least be a more honorable enemy than the pirates, but I don't understand them. My grasp on national politics is hampered considering how long I was with the pirates? But doesn't the Draconis Combine oppose them? If they did somehow conquer the Rasa, then do they think they will be accepted back? I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but Kurita isn't exactly known for welcoming insubordination?" James shrugs.
Fame: 1 * Rank: 1
Languages: English, Some Swedenese
Equipment: Vid Phone, Noteputer, Anything relevant to the task at hand
Languages: English, Fluent Swedenese
Equipment: A bag of handmade toys of Battlemechs, Aerospace fighters, and animals