Post Sun Nov 29, 2020 3:03 pm

Lets Clean this up (Day 4 Early Evening, Hanagr)

The Hangars seemed as good a place as any for some rotuine matienace on his rifle. As somethign told him he'd get a tongue lashing from Collette if he started to take apart his weapons in the Mess. So finding a free bench he got to work. IT wasn't hard work, and honestly he had done it countless times before so it should be a quick and easy task.

Which proved to be true at least to the skilled soldier

maintenace on civilian rifle tn 15: 5d10o10k2 23
Fortunate Ones * Solider * Tough * FWL Citizen *
Rank: 1.0 + Fame: 3.0
Languages: English, Spanish
Casual: padded clothing, revolver, baton
Bad weather: Armored EVO, Rifle, revolver, baton, bayonet
Combat: light armor, rifle, A Rifle, bayonet, revolver