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Day 1 (Nov 17-20)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 12:58 pm
by Comstar
The Trip Down
The Locals Arrive

In the early dawn hours over Asphodel, the Dropship Calico was forced to make an emergency landing in the Alchor highlands. The ship crew and hired security detail have put up a hastily assembled perimeter, and begun attempting to assess the damage and figure out repairs.

The site of the landing is one of controlled chaos, with equipment being unloaded, mechs standing by in their cubicles, untethered and ready to roll out at a moment's notice, and massive metal hull of the calico steadily cooling during the day, though the entry had blackened the nose and seared the paint cleanly off the forward sections.

The cause of the crash is obvious, however, as one of the massive landing legs, and it's accompanying engine, has a massive hole torn into the top half of the structure, a massive explosion having torn the majority of the hull plating and engine casing away. Luckily, most of the structural elements were intact, meaning a repair was actually possible... in theory.

Day 1 Weather: As the day dawns, the temperatures rise to a comfortable and cozy... for Illium at least... 53 Fahrenheit, or 11.6 celsius. A wind blows steadily from the north, and locals largely keep their distance from the metal giant that had landed in their neighborhood.

Charm Offensive - LM: viewtopic.php?f=38&t=118
Curiosity Killed The... - LE: viewtopic.php?f=42&t=148

Special Rules: No threads may be made in the Human Edge location until the Charm Offensive event has been completed and the go ahead is given. Threads outside the Calico by members of the Echo Exploration team must include at least 1 member of the Fortunate Ones as security, or the Fortunate Ones will suffer a breach of contract.

Current rules of engagement: Fire only when fired upon while outside Calico perimiter.