Day 5 (Nov 30-Dec 3(4))
Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 1:54 pm
(Day may be extended as necessary)
In the darkness of the morning, a falling star came to earth. For a moment, it was alone, and then a blue flame roared up from the ground, a spark of light arcing to intercept. It swooped past the larger object, spitting lances of light and fire, and then swerved away as a cloud of tiny sparks erupted outward in pursuit, 60 missiles forming a formidable barrier which could not be crossed. Juking and turning, the small craft dipped away from the swarm, but as it came back around, a pair of smaller flames split from the larger - green-blue jets of flame signifying a pair of fighters giving chase to the intruder, forcing it to pull a sharp turn, whipping away and burning away east toward the mountains, twin hostiles in tight pursuit.
The way was clear.
The Union class dropship Montenegro came down on a pillar of flame. The heat of the plasma burn turned the landing pad cherry red, but the specially engineered surface held, and after a moment, the engines cut and the dropship settled onto its landing skids.
Moments later, the bay doors dropped, and dark shapes, backlit by red hazard lights, began to move. Searchlights lit up all over the dropship, mechs lighting up their own search beams, and the cooling ground, still radiating waves of heat, felt the iron feet of hostile invaders for the first time in centuries. From their positions outside weapons range, the Fortunate ones could see a dozen mechs spreading out, preparing to move. Then a dark shape lifted off, roaring overhead - a VTOL infantry transport at full burn, whipping past before anyone could line up a shot in the dark - the stealth properties of the ship marking it as a special forces model. As the mechs pushed out, a scout hovercraft slipped away to the west, too fast for pursuit. Wherever it was headed... it would have to be dealt with by whoever was there.
The Black Dragon had arrived.
Weather: The rain has passed, bringing a cold snap, freezing much of the ground overnight. Only the deepest mud pits remain soft, flash flooding creating treacherous pools and mud flats in the valleys and crevices where the water was able to pool. The air warms to 43 Fahrenheit (6.1 C) as the day dawns bright and clear, - a crisp day - a good day to die.
Dawn of the Dragon - EM
Devil's Canyon - EM
They Fought the Law - EM
Clear the Town - EM
Spy Games - EM
Special Rules: Players may post in any region except Limbo after the battle is complete. Until that is finished (some time between EM and EA), non-combatants can only safely post in threads in the Gate, the Elysian Mountains, or the Calico. The contract protection rules are waived during the main battle - but will resume afterward.
Current rules of engagement: Weapons free when encountering Slate Eater vehicles or personnel - all other locals are fire only when fired upon. Black Dragon units are Kill on Sight.
In the darkness of the morning, a falling star came to earth. For a moment, it was alone, and then a blue flame roared up from the ground, a spark of light arcing to intercept. It swooped past the larger object, spitting lances of light and fire, and then swerved away as a cloud of tiny sparks erupted outward in pursuit, 60 missiles forming a formidable barrier which could not be crossed. Juking and turning, the small craft dipped away from the swarm, but as it came back around, a pair of smaller flames split from the larger - green-blue jets of flame signifying a pair of fighters giving chase to the intruder, forcing it to pull a sharp turn, whipping away and burning away east toward the mountains, twin hostiles in tight pursuit.
The way was clear.
The Union class dropship Montenegro came down on a pillar of flame. The heat of the plasma burn turned the landing pad cherry red, but the specially engineered surface held, and after a moment, the engines cut and the dropship settled onto its landing skids.
Moments later, the bay doors dropped, and dark shapes, backlit by red hazard lights, began to move. Searchlights lit up all over the dropship, mechs lighting up their own search beams, and the cooling ground, still radiating waves of heat, felt the iron feet of hostile invaders for the first time in centuries. From their positions outside weapons range, the Fortunate ones could see a dozen mechs spreading out, preparing to move. Then a dark shape lifted off, roaring overhead - a VTOL infantry transport at full burn, whipping past before anyone could line up a shot in the dark - the stealth properties of the ship marking it as a special forces model. As the mechs pushed out, a scout hovercraft slipped away to the west, too fast for pursuit. Wherever it was headed... it would have to be dealt with by whoever was there.
The Black Dragon had arrived.
Weather: The rain has passed, bringing a cold snap, freezing much of the ground overnight. Only the deepest mud pits remain soft, flash flooding creating treacherous pools and mud flats in the valleys and crevices where the water was able to pool. The air warms to 43 Fahrenheit (6.1 C) as the day dawns bright and clear, - a crisp day - a good day to die.
Dawn of the Dragon - EM
Devil's Canyon - EM
They Fought the Law - EM
Clear the Town - EM
Spy Games - EM
Special Rules: Players may post in any region except Limbo after the battle is complete. Until that is finished (some time between EM and EA), non-combatants can only safely post in threads in the Gate, the Elysian Mountains, or the Calico. The contract protection rules are waived during the main battle - but will resume afterward.
Current rules of engagement: Weapons free when encountering Slate Eater vehicles or personnel - all other locals are fire only when fired upon. Black Dragon units are Kill on Sight.