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Shopping (D1, LA, Freesquare Bizarre)


James Hall

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Post Sat Nov 21, 2020 4:40 pm

Re: Shopping (D1, LA, Freesquare Bizarre)

Comstar wrote:"Repairs? I don't own anything worth repairing."

The man coughed.

"Unless you can whip me up a prosthetic that'll get me up and walking and out working again, I doubt there's anything you can do for me, young man."

"And if I can?" James wasn't sure if he could, but it wasn't out of the realm of possibilities. "I'll admit, I never done a human leg before, but a mech leg can't be too different. I'm not saying it would be pretty, or that I could do it for a certainly, but I think I probably could."
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Post Sat Nov 21, 2020 6:44 pm

Re: Shopping (D1, LA, Freesquare Bizarre)

"If you can... hell... I'll give you a table of these."

The man looked genuinely surprised. "Don't toy with me boy, if you can't do it. Don't get a man's hopes up eh?"
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James Hall

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Post Sat Nov 21, 2020 6:54 pm

Re: Shopping (D1, LA, Freesquare Bizarre)

"I can't guarantee anything, since I have never done it before, but I am a mechtech. The basic principles should be the same. Both are legs. I would need the material to use. I can't use our companies material, but I can do the work here, so you can watch me work."
Fortunate One * Technician * Outworlds Alliance

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Post Sat Nov 21, 2020 7:00 pm

Re: Shopping (D1, LA, Freesquare Bizarre)

"Well, I can let ya try, but I don't have one of those neurohats."

The man grumbled.

Sinking back into his chair. "For now, how bout the missy take a bundle and bring me those meals, eh?"
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Colette Rupelle

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Post Sat Nov 21, 2020 11:20 pm

Re: Shopping (D1, LA, Freesquare Bizarre)

"Deal zen" She clapped jumping excitedly. "If Monsieur James needs my help wiz ze project I can help as well."
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Post Sat Nov 21, 2020 11:31 pm

Re: Shopping (D1, LA, Freesquare Bizarre)

The man reached out, pulling apart strands of myomer like yarn, fishing out a handful, winding them into a braided bundle, and then handing the entire lot over. In another world, this would be worth a lot more than dinner for a week... but here, it seemed the stock was more abundant than the demand.

"There you go little missy. Now let a man sleep, eh."
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Thomas Moreno

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Post Sun Nov 22, 2020 3:41 am

Re: Shopping (D1, LA, Freesquare Bizarre)

That didn't answer his question at all. That man was drunk though, and the transaction was done. so as far as Thomas was concerned they were done here.
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