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Operation Market Garden (Day 4 LA Bizarre)



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Post Sat Nov 28, 2020 6:30 pm

Operation Market Garden (Day 4 LA Bizarre)

With some local credits in hand and battles not far off, Felicity decided she'd visit Human Edge once. Just once. She'd gone past it a few times when en route to the Star Port, but she hadn't visited yet. Apparently there was a market. She wanted to see that and perhaps find some useful mech parts, or some guns. However, she didn't want to get too attached. They'd have warned the town leadership. Probably, people would be packing.

The bad weather would have made the journey difficult without the hover APC. Nonetheless, she'd wrapped up warm. That also meant a hat and her skirt and hoodie to hide her more unusual features.
Fortunate Ones * Mechwarrior * Sneaky * Hidey * Lucky * Gullible * Prosthesis * Owes Nora a big favor * FWL * Canopus Promoter
Rank: 1.2 | Fame: 2.0
Languages: English & Spanish
Carries: Armor padded jacket, loose hoodie or sweater over a tank top, cap, airy skirts and steel capped boots. Video imager. SMG or AR when expecting combat
In mech: Cooling vest, rations, guns, ammo, plastiflesh and a Comm Kit in a backpack

Karlotta Roth

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Post Sat Nov 28, 2020 7:36 pm

Re: Operation Market Garden (Day 4 LA Bizarre)

This was oddly the most tranquil of Karlotta's days. She did little work as everyone prepared compared to the past days of exploration and taking shots. Not that she would deny to buy supplies when called, knowing how much she had in hands on money she wouldn't use anywhere else.

This place better at least sell temporary masks or gloves. She had a need of those. Her first time visiting Human Edge, probably, before it could turn into ashes. Karlotta wasn't exactly minding the mud with her infantry boots, and followed at Felicity's side.
Dead! — Fortunate Ones * Field Medic * Pain Resistance * Fast Learner (MedTech) * Daredevil * Heart of Vengeance (Draconis Combine) * Hero of the People * Can't Lie * Overconfident * Federated Suns Citizen *
Rank: 1.0 + Fame: 3.5 + Infamy 0.1
Languages: English, German
Carries: Sturdy Clothing, Revolver (unloaded), bullets
Carrying when going to peril: Rifle, Bayonet, SLDF Armor, Surgeon Tools, Comm kit, Plastiflesh, Deputy Medal


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Post Sat Nov 28, 2020 7:53 pm

Re: Operation Market Garden (Day 4 LA Bizarre)

"I have no idea how much money this is. Do you?" Felicity asked. They'd chatted a bit in the hover APC, so they at least knew each others' names now. "Looking for anything in particular? I'll let you know if I see it." She adds, trying to be considerate.
Fortunate Ones * Mechwarrior * Sneaky * Hidey * Lucky * Gullible * Prosthesis * Owes Nora a big favor * FWL * Canopus Promoter
Rank: 1.2 | Fame: 2.0
Languages: English & Spanish
Carries: Armor padded jacket, loose hoodie or sweater over a tank top, cap, airy skirts and steel capped boots. Video imager. SMG or AR when expecting combat
In mech: Cooling vest, rations, guns, ammo, plastiflesh and a Comm Kit in a backpack

Dorgan Bruun

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Post Sat Nov 28, 2020 8:54 pm

Re: Operation Market Garden (Day 4 LA Bizarre)

Bruun is rather more upbeat than he probably should be, given everything, but he has pleasant company and a mission.

"You got a target for this mission, Fee, or you just winging it?"
Fortunate Ones Lieutenant * Mechwarrior * Lucky * Jaded * Ornery
Rank: 3.0 | Fame: 2.0 | Infamy: 0.1
Languages: English, half-remembered Spanish.
Carries: Durable and functional clothing, revolver, laser pistol and winning personality. Pretty religiously wearing, as of D16, his Fortunate Ones uniform coat.
In mech: Cooling vest, cargo shorts, pistols and small backpack of food, ammo and plastiflesh.

Karlotta Roth

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Post Sat Nov 28, 2020 9:01 pm

Re: Operation Market Garden (Day 4 LA Bizarre)

"Discardable medical stuff. Or a sterilizer if we get really lucky. I didn't expect to make a full-blown surgery on my first day here. Anyway, the buying power of this is roughly a CBill."
Dead! — Fortunate Ones * Field Medic * Pain Resistance * Fast Learner (MedTech) * Daredevil * Heart of Vengeance (Draconis Combine) * Hero of the People * Can't Lie * Overconfident * Federated Suns Citizen *
Rank: 1.0 + Fame: 3.5 + Infamy 0.1
Languages: English, German
Carries: Sturdy Clothing, Revolver (unloaded), bullets
Carrying when going to peril: Rifle, Bayonet, SLDF Armor, Surgeon Tools, Comm kit, Plastiflesh, Deputy Medal

James Hall

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Post Sat Nov 28, 2020 9:18 pm

Re: Operation Market Garden (Day 4 LA Bizarre)

James and Mata were with them. Mata was carefully counting her money.
Fortunate One * Technician * Outworlds Alliance

Fame: 1 * Rank: 1
Languages: English, Some Swedenese
Equipment: Vid Phone, Noteputer, Anything relevant to the task at hand

Mata: Image
Languages: English, Fluent Swedenese
Equipment: A bag of handmade toys of Battlemechs, Aerospace fighters, and animals

Thomas Moreno

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Post Sat Nov 28, 2020 9:33 pm

Re: Operation Market Garden (Day 4 LA Bizarre)

Thomas walked along as well. Might as well see if there was anything useful here.

Not like he was going to be able to spend this money elsewhere.
Fortunate Ones * Solider * Tough * FWL Citizen *
Rank: 1.0 + Fame: 3.0
Languages: English, Spanish
Casual: padded clothing, revolver, baton
Bad weather: Armored EVO, Rifle, revolver, baton, bayonet
Combat: light armor, rifle, A Rifle, bayonet, revolver

Dorgan Bruun

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Post Sat Nov 28, 2020 10:07 pm

Re: Operation Market Garden (Day 4 LA Bizarre)

The Fortunate Ones family hour probably half-alarmed and half-reassured the inhabitants of Human Edge. But Bruun was focused on his mission most of all, regardless of how closely they all stuck together.

He made a strong, consistent effort to locate his quarry.

Searching for decent but not fancy booze, vaguely comparable to bourbon should there be something of that persuasion available.
Investigation/Perception, I'm assuming: Got a 20.
Fortunate Ones Lieutenant * Mechwarrior * Lucky * Jaded * Ornery
Rank: 3.0 | Fame: 2.0 | Infamy: 0.1
Languages: English, half-remembered Spanish.
Carries: Durable and functional clothing, revolver, laser pistol and winning personality. Pretty religiously wearing, as of D16, his Fortunate Ones uniform coat.
In mech: Cooling vest, cargo shorts, pistols and small backpack of food, ammo and plastiflesh.


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Post Sat Nov 28, 2020 10:25 pm

Re: Operation Market Garden (Day 4 LA Bizarre)

"Mech parts and guns. I'm more just taking a look. How about you Bruun?"

She nods in understanding to Karlotta's words. "Yea, nobody expected that. You saved that kid, right? That's impressive."

When they got inside she began her search for mech parts first and foremost. They'd be easier to find; they were quite large!

(Investigation 31)
Fortunate Ones * Mechwarrior * Sneaky * Hidey * Lucky * Gullible * Prosthesis * Owes Nora a big favor * FWL * Canopus Promoter
Rank: 1.2 | Fame: 2.0
Languages: English & Spanish
Carries: Armor padded jacket, loose hoodie or sweater over a tank top, cap, airy skirts and steel capped boots. Video imager. SMG or AR when expecting combat
In mech: Cooling vest, rations, guns, ammo, plastiflesh and a Comm Kit in a backpack

Karlotta Roth

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Post Sat Nov 28, 2020 10:37 pm

Re: Operation Market Garden (Day 4 LA Bizarre)

"Good to see that half a year at osteopathics I didn't even want to join in the first place had some use. I think he only had hope because his ribcage was still whole. The pneumothorax pressure didn't break his bones, I think it was because of the chest seals. Then he would be screwed beyond what a field medic can repair."
Dunno if I can commerce?
D4 Shopping Commerce/Int: 4d10o10k3 26
Dead! — Fortunate Ones * Field Medic * Pain Resistance * Fast Learner (MedTech) * Daredevil * Heart of Vengeance (Draconis Combine) * Hero of the People * Can't Lie * Overconfident * Federated Suns Citizen *
Rank: 1.0 + Fame: 3.5 + Infamy 0.1
Languages: English, German
Carries: Sturdy Clothing, Revolver (unloaded), bullets
Carrying when going to peril: Rifle, Bayonet, SLDF Armor, Surgeon Tools, Comm kit, Plastiflesh, Deputy Medal

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