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PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 7:34 pm
by Comstar

-Alternate ID: (Material) 3
You have an alternative form of identification which presents you as someone else, with a fictional backstory. This ID will pass muster in most cases, but cannot withstand scrutiny by an organization with the ability to perform a thorough background check, such as state intelligence.

-Ambidextrous: 2
You can use both hands equally well, and suffer no penalties for dual-wielding.

-Animal Empathy: (Social) 1
You have a natural talent for working with animals, gaining +1k1 to animal handling checks.

-Bland (Physical) 2
as L5r 4e Bland Advantage

-Caffeinated: (Physical) 2
You are an absolute coffee fiend, and can operate with a surprisingly small amount of sleep. You only need 1 time slot to regain your Edge and avoid fatigue penalties, but in exchange you need to get your daily fix - if a day passes without coffee, you accrue fatigue penalties, regardless of sleep, as if you hadn't slept. This effect lasts for two weeks, after which you lose the advantage and the penalty until you pick up the habit again.

-Citizenship: (Social) 5
You are an official citizen of one of the major nations – this provides certain privileges and rights not given to those without citizenship. This advantage costs 2 for Marik, Steiner, and Davion characters.

-Combat Sense: (Mental) 4
You have a keen sense of the flow of battle, gaining +1k0 on initiative rolls.

-Connections: (Social) 2-8
as L5R Allies advantage

-Crafty: (Mental) 3
as L5r Soul of Artistry advantage

-Daredevil: (Mental) 3
as L5r Daredevil advantage

-Exceptionally Attractive: (Physical) 3pts
as L5r Dangerous Beauty advantage

-Fame: (Social) 5
as L5r Fame advantage

-Fast Learner (Physical/Mental) 5
as L5r Great Potential advantage

-Fierce: (Physical) 6
as L5r Hands of Stone advantage

-Forgotten Knowledge (Mental) 3
You have knowledge of an extremely esoteric subject, granting you a rank in the appropriate knowledge skill. These skills can't be learned any other way - and letting slip that you know these things to the wrong people could prove dangerous. Some examples are listed, but any other extremely rare or dangerous knowledge would also likely fall under this advantage.
  • Lostec(Field)
  • Star League History
  • Kerensky Exodus
  • Comstar

-G-Tolerance: (Physical) 3
You are unusually comfortable in unusual amounts of gravity, decreasing penalties from light or heavy gravity by 5.

-Gearhead: (Mental) 5
You have a natural aptitude for technical activities, repairing and building machines unusually easily – you gain a +1k0 to all Technician checks.

-Gregarious: (Social) 2
as L5r Hero of the People advantage

-Heart of Vengeance (Social) 5
as L5r Heart of Vengeance advantage, though must choose a faction from the current Battletech era.

-Inherited Mech: (Social) 5/11
You've inherited a mech from your family – this old warhorse has been passed through the generations and has served many mechwarriors through the years. This advantage allows you to obtain a battlemech of up to 60/95 tons and 900/1300 BV. More powerful mechs may be available in a severely poor state of repair, upon GM approval. This advantage automatically confers the Mechwarrior advantage. Your familiarity with this mech grants you a free raise on any noncombat roll directly related to the mech (such as finding parts for it, repairs, or noncombat piloting tests).

-Large: (Physical) 4
as L5r Large advantage

-Languages (Mental) 1/3
as L5r Languages advantage

-Learned: (Mental) 2
as L5r Sage advantage

-Luck: (Edge) 3/6/9
as L5r Luck advantage

-Mechwarrior: (Social) 3
You have, either through self-starting or academy training, gained recognition as a Mechwarrior. Characters with this advantage will be eligible to be assigned a mech to pilot if they do not have one, and any character using a mech without this advantage will not receive any aid or support if they should lose it for any reason, nor can they raise 'Piloting: Mech' above rank 1 without this advantage.

-Natural Aptitude: (Physical) 12
as L5r Prodigy skill, however you choose 4 skills when taking this advantage for it to apply to.

-Pain Resistance: (Physical) 3
as L5r Strength of the Earth advantage

-Patient: (Mental) 3
as L5r Clear Thinker advantage

-Performer: (Physical/Social) 3/6
You have a natural talent for a specific sort of performance, and can pick up and try just about any different form with relative ease, so long as it falls within your natural talents. When taking this advantage, for each rank purchased, you can choose to gain a bonus to one of the following fields. When making a roll for a skill that falls within your chosen field(s), you count as always having at least one rank in the skill, regardless of whether you actually have one.
  • Physical: Any perform skill which utilizes natural athleticism or dexterity, this includes many sports, dancing, physical comedy, or acrobatics.
  • Social: You have a natural talent in front of others - applying to any acting, oratory, comedic, or auditory performance.

-Poison Resistance: (Physical) 5
You are unusually strong of stomach – you gain +1k1 on all rolls to resist disease and poison.

-Precise Memory (Mental) 3
as L5r Precise Memory advantage

-Rank: (Social) 8
You have, for reasons either valid or corrupt, gained some amount of rank within your organization, increasing your rank by 1.0.

-Read Lips: (Mental) 4
as L5r Read Lips advantage

-Sixth Sense: (Mental) 3
as L5r Wary advantage

-Servant (Social) 5
as L5r Servant skill, however you may choose a mental, social, or combat skill for them to specialize in.

Voice (Physical) 3
as L5r Voice advantage

Wealth (Social) 1x
You come from wealth – you gain 100 CBills to your base salary per point spent on this advantage.


-Addiction (Physical) 2/4
You are an addict, and you need to get your fix - if two days pass without receiving the subject of your addiction, you accrue fatigue penalties as if you hadn't slept, regardless of sleep. This effect lasts for four weeks, after which you only suffer a TN+10 to willpower checks to resist falling back into your addiction when exposed to opportunities for relapse. The 4 exp version must be used every day, and requires a TN 20 willpower check to resist the subject of the addiction whenever it is offered.

-Antisocial (Social) 2/4
as L5r Antisocial disadvantage

-Bad Eyesight (Physical) 3
as L5r Bad Eyesight disadvantage, only it does not apply to perception checks relying upon other senses.

-Bad Health (Physical) 4
as L5r Bad Health disadvantage

-Bad Reputation (Social) 4
You have a reputation as either bad luck or a rank incompetent, or possibly even a potential war criminal. Your Fame is replaced with Infamy.

-Blackmailed (Social) Varies
as L5r Blackmailed disadvantage

-Blind (Physical) 6
as L5r Blind disadvantage

-Brash (Mental) 3
as L5r Brash disadvantage

-Can't Lie (Mental) 2
as L5r Can't Lie disadvantage

-Compulsion (Mental) 1-4
as L5r Compulsion disadvantage

-Conspiracy Theorist (Mental) 3/6
You are convinced that there is a secretive cabal of some sort behind all the ills in the galaxy. Whenever confronted with an tragedy or catastrophe with an ambiguous or unknown cause you must pass a willpower check against TN 15/25, or you will immediately leap to conclusions and assign blame to shadowy figures, making a scene and making a show of your paranoia, potentially giving social penalties at the GM's discretion.

-Dark Secret (Social) 4
as L5r Dark Secret disadvantage

-Dependant (Social) Varies
as L5r Dependent disadvantage

-Disturbing Countenance (Physical) 3
as L5r Disturbing Countenance disadvantage

-Doubt (Mental) 4
as L5r Doubt disadvantage

-Driven (Mental) 2
as L5r Driven disadvantage

-Epilepsy (Physical) 5
as L5r Epilepsy disadvantage

-Fascination (Mental) 1
as L5r Fascination disadvantage

-Frail Mind (Mental) 3
as L5r Frail Mind disadvantage

-Greedy (Mental) 2
as L5r Greedy disadvantage

-Gullible (Mental) 4
as L5r Gullible disadvantage

-Insensitive (Mental) 2
as L5r Insensitive disadvantage

-Jealousy (Mental) 3
as L5r Jealousy disadvantage

-Lame (Physical) 4
as L5r Lame disadvantage

-Lechery (Social) 2
as L5r Lechery disadvantage

-Lost Love (Mental) 3
as L5r Lost Love disadvantage

-Low Pain Threshold (Physical) 4
as L5r Low Pain Threshold disadvantage

-Missing Limb (Physical) 6
as L5r Missing Limb disadvantage

-Obligation (Social) 3/6
as L5r Obligation disadvantage

-Overconfident (Mental) 3
as L5r Overconfident disadvantage

-Permanent Wound (Physical) 4
as L5r Permanent Wound disadvantage

-Phobia (Mental) 1-3
as L5r Phobia disadvantage

-Prosthesis (Physical) 3
At some point, for some reason, some parts of your body have had prosthesis added. Either as a replacement for lost body parts, or perhaps as a fashion statement, or even some sort of automated beer holder you picked up while touring the periphery, these artificial additions to your body can make some people uncomfortable, and can be a viewed negatively in high-society unless successfully concealed. This disadvantage has no standard mechanical effect, but can trigger negative reactions from other players or npcs, depending on their temperament.

-Small: (Physical) 3
as L5r Small disadvantage

-Soft-Hearted (Mental) 2
as L5r Soft-Hearted disadvantage

-Sworn Enemy (Social) 3
as L5r Sworn Enemy disadvantage, only probably worse.

-Tragic Fate (Edge) 3
as L5r Dark Fate disadvantage, but any time it triggers, the user gains a permanent disadvantage

-Temporary Madness (Mental) 3/5/7
as L5r Lord Moon's Curse, however it triggers between 15-30 days apart and for 2 days (usually once per game).

-Unlucky (Edge) 2/4/6
as L5r Unlucky disadvantage

-Weakness (Physical) 6
as L5r Weakness disadvantage