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Origin and Technique

PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 7:52 pm
by Comstar
When creating a character players will begin by choosing an Origin, an inheritance, and then a career. Each may present options for improving different skills or traits – only one can be chosen for each step.

(Several faction descriptions transcribed from the Sarna wiki, with all credit to the original writers.)

Capellan Confederation – (Strength, Stamina, Reflexes)
Starting Languages: Mandarin, English
The Capellan Confederation is the smallest and youngest of the Successor States. A socialistic police state with strong Chinese and Russian influences, the Confederation is ruled by the authoritarian Chancellor, who has almost always been a member of House Liao. During the years of the Succession Wars the Capellan Confederation was the perpetual underdog, losing territory to its aggressive neighbors and verging on the brink of total collapse before regaining much of its strength by the middle of the 31st century. Many Capellans take pride in their citizenship - not least because it must be earned - and view service to the State as a worthy sacrifice for the good of humanity. Originally founded on Capella, its current capital world is Sian.

Draconis Combine – (Dexterity, Willpower, Awareness)
Starting Languages: Japanese, English
The Draconis Combine is one of the Successor States, located in the "north-east" quadrant of the Inner Sphere. The Combine is ruled by the Coordinator, the head of House Kurita. His court is located on Luthien. Aside from the period between 2421 and 2510, the Draconis Combine has been ruled by House Kurita since its founding in 2319 by Shiro Kurita, perhaps a descendant of Takeo Kurita, a Vice-Admiral in the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II on Terra.[1]

The Coordinator is a hereditary dictator, who rules over his domain armed with a well-equipped, fanatical military and an ever-pervasive, all-seeing civilian bureaucracy. Two rival intelligence agencies, the ISF (Internal Security Force) and the O5P (Order of Five Pillars) keep watch against any potential internal threat from commoners, ambitious nobles, and members of the Coordinator's own family. (However, the physical protection of the Coordinator falls to his own personal cohort, who are recruited from the military, not the intelligence services).

The idée fixe of the Combine and the Coordinator is conquest. The Combine employs a large, skilled military, the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery, that has often been used to expand the realm at the expense of its neighbors.

Federated Commonwealth:
Starting Languages: English, choice of French, German, Hindi, Russian, Scottish, Italian, Swedish.
(Lyran Commonwealth) – (Strength, Stamina, Intelligence)
(Federated Suns) – (Willpower, Reflexes, Awareness)

The biggest state in the Inner-sphere, and by far the most outwardly powerful, the Federated Commonwealth is the result of a merging between two great houses, the Lyran Commonwealth led by Katrina Steiner, and the Federated Suns led by Hanse Davion. Their marriage began the fourth succession war, united two great realms, and tore large chunks of the Capellan Confederation away to form a bridge between the two territories. There remain many tensions between the two former rivals, but love of their leadership is, for now, keeping the two realms glued together.

Free Worlds League – (Dexterity, Intelligence, Perception)
Starting Languages: English, choice of Spanish, Greek, Romanian, Urdu.
The Free Worlds League is one of the five Successor States of the Inner Sphere. The oldest of the Successor States, it was also the most democratic, although for much of its history it was ruled under martial law by a Captain-General. This post was almost always held by a member of House Marik, descendants of Austro-Hungarian nobility, by custom if not by law. The Free Worlds League was mercantile and multicultural, with strong European, Asian, American and Indian influences. It also traditionally offered great autonomy to its component regions, which served as both a source of strength and weakness for the League.

Free Rasalhague Republic – (Strength, Reflexes, Awareness)
Starting Languages: English, Swedish
The youngest of the states in the inner-sphere, the Rasalhague Republic is the result of a complicated diplomatic solution devised to defend the borders of the Draconis combine from the Lyran half of the Federated Commonwealth by creating a neutral buffer state. With the negotiation ratified by Comstar, the Federated Commonwealth had no choice but to accept the creation of the new state, a frequently rebellious province of the Draconis Combine turned loose to find their own future. These stubborn descendants of nordic stock are proud, independent, and now facing the future all alone.

Periphery – (Strength, Stamina, Willpower, Perception)
Starting Languages: English, Choice of Any language.
Although some Periphery colonies pre-date the Star League, this region of space remains sparsely populated and fiercely independent. Worlds within the Periphery tend to lack amenities available within the Inner Sphere, including faster-than-light communication. However, the Periphery is not devoid of civilization and culture. Interstellar trade is common, and a handful of strong Periphery realms have emerged over the centuries. Always restless and rebellious, the largest Periphery states were subjugated by the SLDF in the Reunification War. Further, the Amaris Civil War resulted in the destruction of the largest Periphery realm, the Rim Worlds Republic, and a lasting vilification of the Periphery in general. Though largely spared the horrors of the Succession Wars, Lostech development within the Periphery has been relatively stagnant.

Your character may have come from any number of backgrounds, but some things are constant in this universe, and one of those things is money. This choice has minor effects, and is primarily to help you envision your character's personal history. If in doubt, choose Middle Class, as it encompasses almost all walks of life save the very top and bottom.

Born to a family without enough to get by, you learned young how to make ends meet, all on your own. While you may be materially poor and lacking in connections, you did pick up some skills along the way.
Bonus: You gain a free rank of either: Athletics, Survival, Perform, or Stealth.
Penalty: You lose .5 fame and lower your starting Salary 10%.

Middle Class:
Like most of the inhabitants of the Inner-sphere, you came from a home with enough, but not great excess. Still, it was enough for you to get started, without any particularly notable benefits or penalties.
Bonus: You gain 1 Xp.
Penalty: None

Noble Scion:
Born to wealth and privilege, you had access to the best training and schools, and your connections opened many doors, even though you weren't poised to inherit the leadership of your family line. This has left you rather naïve, however, and short of experience dealing with the harsher aspects of the universe.
Bonus: You gain 1 fame and increase your starting salary 10%.
Penalty: None

Finally, the most important part of a character's beginning is to choose a career, which determines their career technique, resources, and skills. When you choose one, you gain the initial fame, rank, and salary listed, modifying it by your inheritance as needed. Then you may choose one of the available techniques as your career technique.

Once you have completed those steps, you gain 40 exp, along with whatever your GM allocates, and may spend them to finish upgrading your traits and skills.

Bonus Trait: Choose between Dexterity and Reflexes
Starting Fame: 1.0
Starting Salary: 1150 CBills
Equipment: Cooling Vest, Sturdy Clothes
Skills: Piloting(Mech), Gunnery, Communications, 1 Mental Skill, 1 Physical Skill
Technique Options:
Hot Seat: You've developed a knack for pushing your mech far beyond the factory prescribed limits, operating at temperatures which would make other Mechwarriors sweat, for more reason than one. In asymmetrical warfare, any mech you pilot may increase the amount of heat required to suffer detrimental effects by a number of points equal to your Expertise rank, and in Mech combat grants the "Hot Dog" trait(-1 difficulty of all heat related checks to resist shutdown/ammo explosion).

Hop-Jock: You have a knack for utilizing jump jets to their fullest potential – both for attack and defense. In asymmetrical warfare, when performing a maneuver utilizing your jump jets, you gain a free raise, and in Mech combat, you gain the "Hopping Jack" trait(-1 penalty to accuracy for shooting after using jump jets).

Multi-Tasker: You can track more than one target at a time, keeping track of multiple items in space simultaneously. In asymmetrical warfare, this allows you to split your mech's weapons and attack one additional target without penalty, and in Mech combat grants the 'Multi-Tasker' trait(-1 multi-target accuracy penalty).

Bonus Trait: Choose between Perception, Strength, and Intelligence
Starting Fame: 1.0
Starting Salary: 1250 CBills
Equipment: Sturdy Clothes, Vid Phone, up to 750 CBills of Equipment.
Skills: Technician(Field), Administration, Athletics, 1 Mental Skill, 1 Physical Skill
Technique Options:
Spit and Polish: You have a natural gift for maintaining and repairing old things – when making a maintenance roll or attempting to salvage damaged equipment, you gain a free raise.

No Wasted Effort: You've learned how to work with both speed and accuracy, giving you the ability to complete tasks ahead of schedule. All technician tasks you undertake take 25% less time, rounded down to the nearest quarter hour.

Tape and Glue: You've learned to work in less than ideal conditions, and field repairs are now an ordinary task to you. When undertaking Technician tasks, decrease any penalty from inadequate facilities by 5.

Bonus Trait: Choose between Strength, Dexterity, and Perception
Starting Fame: 1.0
Starting Salary: 900 CBills
Equipment: Light Infantry Armor, Sturdy Clothes, one pistol (up to 100Cbills), 1 bayonet, 250 Cbills toward a weapon of your choice.
Skills: Athletics, Defense, Investigation, 1 Weapon skill, 1 Skill
Technique Options:
Duck and Cover: You've not only been a soldier long enough to learn how to fight, you've also learned how to survive, which, in the infantry, is no small task. When targeted by a ranged weapon, you can immediately go prone as a free action, and may spend an edge to gain full cover, even if you've already spent one edge that round.

Mech-Hunter: You're one of the insane few who think hunting mechs is not only necessary but a winning proposition, and you've made a career of punching up. You gain a free raise on Athletics checks to mount a Mech and on Demolitions checks to plant explosives on a Mech you've climbed.

Controlled Bursts: You've learned how to efficiently put heads down, and when you apply suppression, decrease the actual bursts spent by one, to a minimum of one.

Bonus Trait: Choose between Dexterity and Reflexes
Starting Fame: 1.0
Starting Salary: 1500 CBills
Equipment: Cooling Vest (Aerospace) or Light Infantry Armor (Driver), Sturdy Clothes.
Skills: Piloting/Driving, Gunnery, Communications, 1 Mental Skill, 1 Physical Skill
Technique Options:
Steady Hand: You are calm in the face of fire, and when making a piloting/driving check against damage taken, you gain a free raise to avoid losing control of your vehicle.

Smooth Surface: You have learned to avoid giving Mechs easy purchase when attempting to grab, stomp, or otherwise manhandle your vehicle. Inflict a +1 penalty to all melee attacks made against your vehicle.

Instinctive Shooter: You've gotten the hang of firing accurately on the move, no matter what sudden changes your driver might make – when firing on the move, you may decrease the penalty by 1.

Bonus Trait: Choose between Perception and Intelligence
Starting Fame: 1.0
Starting Salary: 2200 CBills
Equipment: Sturdy Clothes.
Skills: 2 ranks Science (Field), 2 different ranks of Knowledge, 1 Mental Skill
Technique Options:
Specialist: You are particularly focused on your field, and are considered an expert in the subject. You gain +1k1 on all Science and knowledge checks which directly relate to your specialization.

Generalist: You've long considered yourself better rounded than your colleagues, and it shows in your knowledge of a wide range of subjects, which sometimes gives you perspective that others lack. You may add the rank of your highest Knowledge skill as a static bonus to Science rolls.

Bonus Trait: Choose between Awareness, Strength, and Dexterity
Starting Fame: 2.0
Starting Salary: 1100 CBills
Equipment: Sturdy Clothes, 1 Video Imager.
Skills: Perform(Your choice), Communications, Protocol, 2 Physical Skills
Technique Options:
Improvisational Artist: You live in the moment, and enjoy transient bursts of brilliance. When spending an Edge to improve your Perform rolls, you gain +2k2 instead of +1k1.

Creative Process: You are not just a performer, but also a creator. You gain a static bonus to Craft skill rolls equal to your highest Perform skill, and vice-versa.

Bonus Trait: Choose between Perception and Willpower
Starting Fame: 2.0
Starting Salary: 1800 CBills
Equipment: Sturdy Clothes, Vid Phone.
Skills: Communications, Investigation, Negotiation, Protocol, 1 Physical Skill
Technique Options:
Smooth Talker: You are an ace on the campaign trail, letting your words carry you further than your deeds would on their own – When you are attempting to convince someone using Negotiation, you may spend an edge to attempt Communications/Perception against their Protocol/Willpower – if you win, you gain a free raise to all contested Negotiation rolls against that person for the rest of the day.

Talented Administrator: You rely on your record to advance, and though you are no glory hound, you are recognized for your ability to organize and keep the lights on. When you are attempting an Administration check to uncover corruption, squeeze additional items into a budget, or otherwise improve efficiency for an organization you belong to, you gain a free raise.

Yellow Journalist: You wouldn't call yourself a politician, but you still live in their world. When attempting an investigation check to search for leads, you gain a free raise if you have already obtained pertinent details from another source.

Bonus Trait: Choose between Dexterity and Perception
Starting Fame: 0.5
Starting Salary: 1200 CBills
Equipment: 2x Sturdy Clothes, Vid phone, up to 500 CBills of Equipment.
Skills: Communications, 1 Weapon skill, Stealth, 1 Mental Skill, 1 Physical Skill
Technique Options:
The Silk Glove: You are a master of disguise and misdirection – you don't sneak in the night, but infiltrate in broad daylight with kind words and social graces. You gain a free raise on attempts at Seduction, Bribery, or Acting to avoid discovery.

The Knife: You are an agent of intimate and unexpected violence. Your weapons are blades, poisons, and guns. When you attack and individual who is unaware of your presence, during the surprise round you may add your expertise rank to attack and damage dice, and you gain a free raise when attempting to perform contested stealth actions against a target who is unaware of your presence.

The Iron Nerve: You are an Agent of directed force and absolute focus. When attempting to utilize a small item in difficult conditions, you may ignore the normal penalties incurred for melee combat, inclement weather, etc. This includes weapons, explosives, and other devices. In addition, you gain a +1k0 for all fear checks.