Thu Nov 26, 2020 10:48 am by Dr. Reinhardt
"The Imperial house that led the Star League was House Cameron, when they died many of the lesser Star League Houses, and by lesser I mean ruling over mere hundreds of worlds, not thousands, claimed the throne. Amongst those who did so were people with the last names of Steiner, Davion, Amaris, Marik, Kurita, Kerensky, Laio, and Mansdotter. That is what started the civil war, and that was over 300 years ago."
* Echo Company * Geologist * Archeologist * Historian * Lyran Citizen * Unarmed *
Fame 1
Rank 1
Languages: German, English
Field Pack: EVO Suit, Comm kit, Micro Recorder, Notputer w/ Holomap, Tech Kit, Plastitech Patches, Camping Gear & rations