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BBQ games (D19 EE open)



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Post Fri Jan 01, 2021 6:34 pm

BBQ games (D19 EE open)

The smell of meat and vegetables cooking wafts enticingly around the old campgrounds of the Calico. Not too far from where she had returned a barbecue had been set up, just at the edge of the expanded perimeter. The remaining guards had been told to expect some music, gunshots and friendliness. They'd also been invited to collect a burger each whenever they changed shifts.

The food items were being brought over from the Calico, as well as the drink. It had been stored well in advance. Beside the barbecue itself a few chairs and stools were laid out. None matched. There was also a table and a few blankets waiting for anyone who got cold as it slowly ebbed toward sunset. A cooler for drinks and a crate with glasses and bottles of alcohol were all ready for whoever led with drinks. Past the perimeter a shooting range had been set up with all the glass bottles the company had used up and no longer needed. Curiously, there were two sets of targets, each at different distances. Perhaps two people could play at once? A box nearby held an assortment of spare bottles and pieces of metal to use as replacement targets. A pistol and a rifle sat by them.

It looked like it would be glass bottle shooting!

Fortunate Ones * Mechwarrior * Sneaky * Hidey * Lucky * Gullible * Prosthesis * Owes Nora a big favor * FWL * Canopus Promoter
Rank: 1.2 | Fame: 2.0
Languages: English & Spanish
Carries: Armor padded jacket, loose hoodie or sweater over a tank top, cap, airy skirts and steel capped boots. Video imager. SMG or AR when expecting combat
In mech: Cooling vest, rations, guns, ammo, plastiflesh and a Comm Kit in a backpack


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Post Fri Jan 01, 2021 7:20 pm

Re: BBQ games (D19 EE open)


There are two sets of targets. One for pistol shooting and one for rifle shooting. Everyone can participate in either or both. Please use the appropriate small arms skill for each.

Everyone who participates must make five shots. The difficulty of the target determines the score from a successful shot, with further targets being worth more. Additionally, raises earn points as you show off. Finally, it's possible to impress everyone with certain harder feats, such as by landing multiple shots in quick succession or really showing off.

Before making the five rolls for a target you must also pass one of the following rolls. Pick one.

1. Protocol/willpower TN15. You politely ignore her!
2. Communication/awareness TN20 with a +1k1 bonus to your roll. You distract the distraction!
3. Investigation/perception TN20. You pick an optimal point in time where distractions are few.

Penalty: A failure means you are distracted by what is happening around you, which is probably Felicity's fault. This imposes a -1k0 penalty to all five shots.
Success: You can continue as normal.

There are four ranges of targets:

Easy - TN 10 - Score: 1 point per success. 1 per raise.
These bottles are only fifteen feet away. Great for showing off however!

Normal - TN15 - Score: 2 points per success. 2 per raise.
These bottles are thirty feet away. This area has the most targets.

Hard - TN 20 - Score: 5 points per success. 2 per raise.
These bottles are fifty feet away. They're at the edge of pistol range, but still a comfortable shot for a rifle.

Long shot - TN30 - Score: 10 points per success. 3 per raise.
These bottles are one hundred feet away. Pistols firing at these targets get an additional -1k0 to hit due to the range.

You can pick the range for each shot and call raises as you like, up to your normally allowed number of raises. These are all a small arms/dexterity skill roll with the appropriate weapon skill (pistol/IDW).

You can try to do a few things to make your shooting more impressive. These give bonuses.

Accuracy: If you hit all 5 shots you double their base score. This does not double the awards for raises.
E.g. 5x Normal would be 5x TN15. If you did this 3 times and 2 times with a raise, passing all 5 rolls, your score would be: 2 x 5 doubled, plus 2 times 2 for the raises -> 2x (2 x 5) + 2x (2) = 24 instead of 14.

Speed shooting: If you take all five shots at the same TN with a +3 modifier, raises are worth twice as many points. This applies to all successful rolls, even if you miss a shot.
E.g. 5x Normal would be 5x TN18, with raises being TN23, 28, etc. A success earns double the listed points for a raise, in this case 2 points per raise instead of 1. If you did this 5 times at TN 15 with a raise each (TN23 rolls) and were successful with four shots your score would be: 2 x 4 base, plus 2 times 4 doubled -> (8) + 2x (2 x 4) = 24 instead of 16. This cannot be combined with Show off.

Blind: You can make a single shot with your eyes closed on a normal, hard or long shot target. This triples the points awarded for this individual shot. However, this also applies a -2k1 penalty to your roll!
A hard shot, TN20, with a single raise would therefore be worth 21 points instead of 7!

Show off: You can do this once. You ask someone to throw a bottle up in the air and you'll shoot it and a long shot bottle with maximum flair. This is an incredibly hard feat.
This count as a TN40 roll with 2 raises (TN50). It is worth 25 points! It cannot be combined with Speed Shooting.

Felicity is offering her own money as a prize. There are two categories. One for pistol shooting and one for rifle shooting.

1st place: Bragging rights, 50 C-Bills and a kiss
2nd place: 25 C-Bills and a hug
3rd place: 10 C-Bills
Last place: Clean-up duty
Fortunate Ones * Mechwarrior * Sneaky * Hidey * Lucky * Gullible * Prosthesis * Owes Nora a big favor * FWL * Canopus Promoter
Rank: 1.2 | Fame: 2.0
Languages: English & Spanish
Carries: Armor padded jacket, loose hoodie or sweater over a tank top, cap, airy skirts and steel capped boots. Video imager. SMG or AR when expecting combat
In mech: Cooling vest, rations, guns, ammo, plastiflesh and a Comm Kit in a backpack


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Post Fri Jan 01, 2021 7:38 pm

Re: BBQ games (D19 EE open)

Felicity chose a good time to pick up her rifle and to head to the homemade range she'd set up with Bruun's help. Her shots are at the thirty feet targets, which is pretty easy, but she shows off a little with each. Things with firing the rifle with one hand, over her shoulder and with one eye closed. It's a solid show.

She's clearly less used to pistols however, as she just fires the borrowed weapon at the nearest bottles with both hands. Her last shot only clipped a bottle, but the rest were all good hits.

Investigation/perception pass - Felicity does some shooting early on, when it's quieter.

5 shots pass. Normal with a raise each. Accuracy bonus applies.
Score: 30

5 shots pass. Easy. Accuracy bonus applies.
Score: 10
Fortunate Ones * Mechwarrior * Sneaky * Hidey * Lucky * Gullible * Prosthesis * Owes Nora a big favor * FWL * Canopus Promoter
Rank: 1.2 | Fame: 2.0
Languages: English & Spanish
Carries: Armor padded jacket, loose hoodie or sweater over a tank top, cap, airy skirts and steel capped boots. Video imager. SMG or AR when expecting combat
In mech: Cooling vest, rations, guns, ammo, plastiflesh and a Comm Kit in a backpack

Aloysius Jones

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Post Fri Jan 01, 2021 8:50 pm

Re: BBQ games (D19 EE open)

Aly tried shooting. It was easy enough to ignore any distractions, but his hand still wavered from lingering wounds. He wasn't the shot he once was. He knew it, but he didn't let his disappointment show.

- - -
BBQ games (D19 EE open), Pistols, Investigation TN 20: 7d10o10k4 45

BBQ games (D19 EE open), Pistols, Easy, Speed Shooting, 1 CR, TN 18, Weakness Dex: 5#5d10o10k2 16 13 27 19 12
Echo Exploration Corporation » Security Consultant » Free Worlds League » Educated » Investigator » Contracted
Rank: 1.0 » Fame: 3.0

Languages: English, Greek
Carries: Padded Clothes, Vid Phone, Noteputer, Revolver, Repeater, Bullets

Theodore Beker

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Post Sun Jan 03, 2021 9:58 pm

Re: BBQ games (D19 EE open)

"Shoot? You know I was hired as a technician and didn't exactly do basic, right?" He sighed as the catgirl dragged him over to the booth she was running. He switched between staring at her and at the gun as she ran through her exhaustive spiel about the range and the gun and all sorts of other things he didn't bother catching. Assuring him that she'd 'help' and 'give him friendly pointers' she proceeded to run a non-stop commentary on the entire proceedings. Having shot a pistol, perhaps, once or twice before he proceeded to drastically miss the first three shots slaying unfortunate blades of innocent grass. He had corrected his aim (or possibly just gone deaf enough from the gunshots to no longer hear her advice) to an extent that by the last two shots they were at least near the intended range.

"So I guess you are helping me clean up!" Felicity stated as he shot his final time. He laughed finally getting it.

Investigation/perception 13
shooting: 3, 2, 3, 7, 9 0 points.
Fortunate One • Mechtech • Lyran • Gearhead
Rank: 1.0 Fame: 1.0
Languages: English, German
Carries: Noteputer, vid phone

Dorgan Bruun

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Post Sun Jan 03, 2021 11:41 pm

Re: BBQ games (D19 EE open)

Bruun had promised to take it easy. And still had one arm in a sling. But he was a competitor. And, well, Fee generally got what she wanted in the end, anyway, so he went into the competition without too much interest save having fun.

That started immediately when, as Fee tried to be distracting, Bruun focused in and reminded her, "Ace of Clubs, Queen of Clubs -- the cards don't lie." It worked, just barely.

So he focused in on his shots. The rifle was a nightmare with his supporting arm in a sling, but with some gritting of teeth and careful balancing of the rifle over his elbow, he kinda made it work. Well, not really, but he did score 4 points before trying to line up a tough, called shot for his rifle finale. It worked, blasting the neck of the bottle straight up as Bruun had called.

More in his comfort zone with the pistol, he let loose a bit more, taking shots that were unnecessarily complicated, but still connecting well on three of the five.

Total points:
Rifle: 11
Pistol: 12
Fortunate Ones Lieutenant * Mechwarrior * Lucky * Jaded * Ornery
Rank: 3.0 | Fame: 2.0 | Infamy: 0.1
Languages: English, half-remembered Spanish.
Carries: Durable and functional clothing, revolver, laser pistol and winning personality. Pretty religiously wearing, as of D16, his Fortunate Ones uniform coat.
In mech: Cooling vest, cargo shorts, pistols and small backpack of food, ammo and plastiflesh.

Snorri Tycho

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Post Mon Jan 04, 2021 10:31 am

Re: BBQ games (D19 EE open)

Snorri is...let's just say "easily distracted" by Fee, always going about trying to impress her. Fortunately, she is spending time with a bunch of different people, so Snorri is able to wait for an opening.

He's not much of a Marksman, and stands at a standard range. However, he is quick on the trigger, fanning his revolver like an cowboy of legend. The first three are right on the money, but the last two whizz by. It still isn't too bad, and Snorri twirls his revolver before holstering it.

BBQ games: avoid distractions-Investigation/Perception, Edge for +1k1-TN 20: 4d10 25
BBQ games-pistol shooting-Fan the hammer!-Speed shooting with one raise-TN 23: 5#4d10o10k3 24 26 30 19 15

Pistol: 18 points
Fortunate One • Mechwarrior • Rasalhague/Draconis/It's Complicated • Lecherous • Greedy• Booze Hound• Bad Reputation
Rank: 1.2 (Staff Sergeant)| Infamy: 0.6
Pilots:OSP-26 Osprey

Colette Rupelle

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Post Mon Jan 04, 2021 1:34 pm

Re: BBQ games (D19 EE open)

Colette poked the nose of the distraction. "Boop" And giggled She hitt al the easy targets with some panache.

//D19 Games Distract distraction Comms Awa TN 20: 6d10o10k5 31

D19 Games Pistols Easy target all 1 raise TN 15: 5#4d10o10k3 15 17 37 30 20
♡Echo Explorer ♡Chef ♡Peppy ♡Giggles ♡Small ♡Sweet Voice ♡Random Character #83
Rank: 1 Fame: 2
Federated Suns ☆♤


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Post Tue Jan 05, 2021 12:54 am

Re: BBQ games (D19 EE open)


Kamaitachi loved a party. And a show. And she loved to shoot.

She also loved to use her knives, but apparently this was a 'gun' party.

So here she was.

Once they refused to let her put them all together to clear with a single blast, she sulked, and then reluctantly put away her grenade launcher. The flirting of Fee was unimportant - only shotgun mattered.

Thumbing 5 shells in, she paced herself out to 50 feet, and then pivoted, firing from the hip in a quick chain of shots, grinning like a madwoman.

Whistling, she turned and wandered away, regardless of what she did or did not hit.


(TN 23 shots for a quick volley at a hard range with a shotgun. 4 hits: https://orokos.com/roll/867555)

(20 points)
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Yuri Creed

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Post Tue Jan 05, 2021 12:55 am

Re: BBQ games (D19 EE open)

Yuri knew there was a party, and while he was far too busy to do much here, as were the entire command staff, he couldn't resist the chance to do a little shooting with his beloved revolver.

Something about his aura made it hard to flirt and distract him, and he waited for a lull when he thought folks weren't looking, and then he squared up, cowboy style, only the slightest bit of guilt at the tacky move on his face, and then he drew and fired at the first bottle 50 yards out.

The first snapped the neck of bottle, but the second whistled high, drawing a frown. His next two shots pop the bottles into shards, one after the other, and then, squinting, he studied the position of the last bottle for a moment in absolute silence. He took a slow breath and holstered his gun, and then turned away.

Turned away, and then suddenly snapped that big wheel-gun from the holster, the shot whipping out, and seemingly missing.

Until a moment later, the bottle cap came falling back down... the bullet cleaning popping it off.

Yuri beat a quick retreat after that, not about to let Felicity kiss him - he still had to maintain some semblance of command authority... and he'd had weird experiences with women lately... better safe than sorry.


(Hit 1, miss 1, https://orokos.com/roll/867559 )
(Hit 2 with edge: https://orokos.com/roll/867563)
(Hit with the accuracy of a certain kill anime move against a non-plot armored villian: https://orokos.com/roll/867566)

(Total, 44 points)
Veteran :: Major :: Mechwarrior :: Commander of the Fortunate Ones
Rank: 5.0 Fame: 3.0 Infamy: 1.0

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