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Non-Player Characters



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Post Wed Oct 07, 2020 9:51 pm

Non-Player Characters

A list of the various NPCs in the game.
Head GM :: Only GM :: Pay your bills :: Harmless

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Yuri Creed

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Post Wed Oct 07, 2020 11:55 pm

Re: Non-Player Characters

Name: Yuri Creed
Rank: Major
Occupation: Commander of the Fortune Ones
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 215lbs
Hair: Red
Age: 39
Build: Muscular

Major Creed entered the mercenary life after a short, relatively eventful career in the DCMS, born in the Rasalhague district. He saw conflict in all the recent wars, and was utterly blindsided by the decision to release the Rasalhague province as a separate sovereign entity after all this time. Castigated by his own people, and distrusted by his comrades in arms, he realized quickly that he had no place on either side of the border, leaving to find his own path.

That journey took him to Solaris, though he quickly grew sick of the attitude of the denizens of the game world, and moved onward, settling on mercenary work as an acceptable alternative. A relatively relaxed man, considering his background, he still holds values of fraternity and unit loyalty in high regard, and expects the same of his subordinates.
Veteran :: Major :: Mechwarrior :: Commander of the Fortunate Ones
Rank: 5.0 Fame: 3.0 Infamy: 1.0

Run by GM Comstar

Lucretzia Winters

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Post Thu Oct 08, 2020 8:06 am

Re: Non-Player Characters

Name: Lucretzia Winters
Rank: Director
Occupation: Echo Excavation and Research Group
Height: 5'11"
Weight: Now aren't you rude?
Hair: Black
Age: 31
Build: Slim

Director Lucretzia Winters founded the Echo Excavation and Research Group two years ago, courtesy of an unknown donor. She is a bit of a mystery, as her record prior to founding the Group is quite unremarkable - a rather bland university life with good grades and no scandals, and then a few years of work as a junior researcher for the Kyoto college. The jump from that to Director of an independent research group is notably large, and the academic community is watching, either to see her reveal why she earned her grant, or to see her crash and burn.

A relatively tall and thin woman, her pale skin and dark hair lend her an almost otherworldly air, and her dark eyes reveal very little of what she is thinking.

Her personality is, by all accounts, cold. She doesn't have a very large social circle, and can be found at work late into the day. The staff can't decide if this is inspirational or uncomfortable.
Director :: Research Lead :: Enigmatic :: Cold
Rank: 5.0 Fame: 1.5 Infamy: 0.0

Run by GM Comstar

Alexei Herald

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Post Thu Oct 08, 2020 10:38 am

Re: Non-Player Characters

Name: Alexei Herald
Rank: Captain
Occupation: Dropship Captain
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 180lbs
Hair: Gray
Age: He claims 41
Build: Lanky

The captain of the dropship Calico is an unimposing man: tall, lanky, and composed. He has the air and presence of a man with decades of experience, yet still seems surprisingly nimble, despite his age... whatever that actually is. He is often seen drinking from a hip flask, but when pressed, will confess that it's just coffee, and it's more of a style thing. 'Have to keep up my image, you know.'

His hobbies include giving commentary on the Solaris re-runs that play in the crew lounge, reading antique novels, and giving unsolicited advice about largely irrelevant subjects. He seems to enjoy all the idiosyncrasies of his ship, even though most people would view them as safety risks and mildly terrifying.
Captain :: Dropship Commander :: Nerd :: Antique Collector :: Lanky :: Coffee-Addict
Rank: 7.0 Fame: 1.0 Infamy: 0.0

Run by GM Comstar

Nora Crossette

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Post Tue Nov 10, 2020 3:30 pm

Re: Non-Player Characters

Name: Nora Crossette
Rank: Command Sergeant Major
Occupation: Quartermaster, HR, Company Mom
Height: 5'2"
Weight: Rude!
Hair: Graying Blonde
Age: Late 30s
Build: Short.

The woman in charge of keeping the Fortunate Ones fed, clothed, and armed, Nora is perpetually exhausted. It isn't known if or when she sleeps, though given how much coffee she drinks, there is a betting pool on whether she even can sleep now.

A short and businesslike woman, she has a soft spot for new hires and those who have yet to grow jaded, offering advice when asked, and when she can spare the time. Though she might be the company mom, she's also working three jobs to keep the entire operation running, and she'll often be seen in the background, working out details, though she doesn't take or accept credit for how hard she toils.
Fortunate Ones :: Administrator :: Workaholic :: Highly Caffeinated
Rank: 4.0 Fame: 1.5 Infamy: 1.0

Run by GM Comstar

Anastasia Winters

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Post Tue Nov 10, 2020 3:35 pm

Re: Non-Player Characters

Name: Anastasia Winters
Rank: Executive Director
Occupation: Tyrant from Hell (HR director)
Height: 5'10"
Weight: Would you like to sign the complaint form?
Hair: Black
Age: 29
Build: Slim

The younger Winters sister, Anastasia is, if it is possible, even colder than her sister. Efficient, standoffish, and taciturn, she doesn't spend time with employees or public relations - indeed, many don't even realize she isn't her sister until they are seen in the same room, or they get a dreaded letter of reprimand.

An invisible force which arranges the necessary details for her sister's expedition, Anastasia may never be met in person, but everyone on the mission feels the results of her whims, including the choice to only stock dark roast coffee, the choice of short cabin vehicles which are uncomfortable for taller members of the team, or the company supplied uniforms being so depressingly monochrome.
Intelligence Agent :: Assassin :: Sociopath :: One-Arm
Rank: 4.0 Fame: 0.5 Infamy: 2.0

Run by GM Comstar

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