Sat Nov 21, 2020 10:14 am by Dr. Reinhardt
We don't lose anything for people trying the barn event and could gain stuff still, so anyone who wants to jump in on that please do!
We are at 2 points now, only the highest score counts, and anyone can get 3 points with a lucky orokios unskilled.
If someone has the skills and can call 3 raises then we could get the 10+
If someone has the skills and can call even 2 raises we could get a lot better.
We will auto succeed thanks to Collettes 2 points, but we could do better, and there is no way to "ruin" our chances now.
* Echo Company * Geologist * Archeologist * Historian * Lyran Citizen * Unarmed *
Fame 1
Rank 1
Languages: German, English
Field Pack: EVO Suit, Comm kit, Micro Recorder, Notputer w/ Holomap, Tech Kit, Plastitech Patches, Camping Gear & rations