Sat Nov 21, 2020 2:46 pm by Thomas Moreno
Dr. Reinhardt wrote:We don't lose anything for people trying the barn event and could gain stuff still, so anyone who wants to jump in on that please do!
We are at 2 points now, only the highest score counts, and anyone can get 3 points with a lucky orokios unskilled.
If someone has the skills and can call 3 raises then we could get the 10+
If someone has the skills and can call even 2 raises we could get a lot better.
We will auto succeed thanks to Collettes 2 points, but we could do better, and there is no way to "ruin" our chances now.
I'd have to void on all the rolls and call raises on 3k2 vs 30 to even attempt getting to another level of success. Sadly seems not worth trying.
Fortunate Ones * Solider * Tough * FWL Citizen *
Rank: 1.0 + Fame: 3.0
Languages: English, Spanish
Casual: padded clothing, revolver, baton
Bad weather: Armored EVO, Rifle, revolver, baton, bayonet
Combat: light armor, rifle, A Rifle, bayonet, revolver