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D3 Leads


Dr. Reinhardt

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Post Mon Nov 23, 2020 5:39 pm

Re: D3 Leads

The downed dropship and the starport hangers might? It might be Voidtech instead of physics, not sure.
* Echo Company * Geologist * Archeologist * Historian * Lyran Citizen * Unarmed *
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Karlotta Roth

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Post Mon Nov 23, 2020 5:41 pm

Re: D3 Leads

Jan Novak wrote:Does anything of that require physics?

The teenager thread

Karlotta Roth wrote:"When you squish something you are making pressure, it isn't pressure by itself. Pressure is when..." She stops to type down the data. "Anyway, pressure is when force is applied to an area. The greater the force is the greater the pressure. The smaller the area is, the greater is the pressure. This is why if press a needle against your skin it makes a hole easily, but it is much harder to make a hole on your skin by pressing a brick."
Dead! — Fortunate Ones * Field Medic * Pain Resistance * Fast Learner (MedTech) * Daredevil * Heart of Vengeance (Draconis Combine) * Hero of the People * Can't Lie * Overconfident * Federated Suns Citizen *
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Languages: English, German
Carries: Sturdy Clothing, Revolver (unloaded), bullets
Carrying when going to peril: Rifle, Bayonet, SLDF Armor, Surgeon Tools, Comm kit, Plastiflesh, Deputy Medal

Jan Novak

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Post Mon Nov 23, 2020 5:53 pm

Re: D3 Leads

I see you have things covered there. ;)
Echo * Physicist * Drinks and Knows Things * Swears in Polish

Dr. Reinhardt

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Post Mon Nov 23, 2020 5:55 pm

Re: D3 Leads

I do not have voidtech or physics, though I do have Archeology, Geology, Demo, and most of the other tech options.
* Echo Company * Geologist * Archeologist * Historian * Lyran Citizen * Unarmed *
Fame 1
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Languages: German, English

Field Pack: EVO Suit, Comm kit, Micro Recorder, Notputer w/ Holomap, Tech Kit, Plastitech Patches, Camping Gear & rations

Thomas Moreno

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Post Mon Nov 23, 2020 8:27 pm

Re: D3 Leads

With an event LM I might push ruins to EA. If we want to risk plore in the rain.
Fortunate Ones * Solider * Tough * FWL Citizen *
Rank: 1.0 + Fame: 3.0
Languages: English, Spanish
Casual: padded clothing, revolver, baton
Bad weather: Armored EVO, Rifle, revolver, baton, bayonet
Combat: light armor, rifle, A Rifle, bayonet, revolver

Dr. Reinhardt

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Post Mon Nov 23, 2020 8:30 pm

Re: D3 Leads

So I think doc is going to hit Ruins, Starport, and Leopard today, in EA/LA/EE I dont care which happens in which spot.

Techs can hitthe graveyard today or wait for me to join them tomorrow.
* Echo Company * Geologist * Archeologist * Historian * Lyran Citizen * Unarmed *
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Languages: German, English

Field Pack: EVO Suit, Comm kit, Micro Recorder, Notputer w/ Holomap, Tech Kit, Plastitech Patches, Camping Gear & rations

Karlotta Roth

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Post Mon Nov 23, 2020 8:44 pm

Re: D3 Leads

Any time is fine. We can even say we went on patrol instead of the mechas because... slipping
Dead! — Fortunate Ones * Field Medic * Pain Resistance * Fast Learner (MedTech) * Daredevil * Heart of Vengeance (Draconis Combine) * Hero of the People * Can't Lie * Overconfident * Federated Suns Citizen *
Rank: 1.0 + Fame: 3.5 + Infamy 0.1
Languages: English, German
Carries: Sturdy Clothing, Revolver (unloaded), bullets
Carrying when going to peril: Rifle, Bayonet, SLDF Armor, Surgeon Tools, Comm kit, Plastiflesh, Deputy Medal

Theodore Beker

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Post Mon Nov 23, 2020 8:55 pm

Re: D3 Leads

I'll join for more salvaging. 2 techs are better than one.
Fortunate One • Mechtech • Lyran • Gearhead
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James Hall

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Post Mon Nov 23, 2020 8:58 pm

Re: D3 Leads

Any time besides morning. EM is possible event. LM is when my sleep penalties kick in, so going to use that slot for sleep.
Fortunate One * Technician * Outworlds Alliance

Fame: 1 * Rank: 1
Languages: English, Some Swedenese
Equipment: Vid Phone, Noteputer, Anything relevant to the task at hand

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Equipment: A bag of handmade toys of Battlemechs, Aerospace fighters, and animals

Thomas Moreno

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Post Mon Nov 23, 2020 9:06 pm

Re: D3 Leads

Fortunate Ones * Solider * Tough * FWL Citizen *
Rank: 1.0 + Fame: 3.0
Languages: English, Spanish
Casual: padded clothing, revolver, baton
Bad weather: Armored EVO, Rifle, revolver, baton, bayonet
Combat: light armor, rifle, A Rifle, bayonet, revolver

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