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Event: Dawn of the Dragon (Day 5, EM)



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Post Tue Dec 01, 2020 12:49 pm

Re: Event: Dawn of the Dragon (Day 5, EM)

"Damn Jenners." First the simulation and now this. Felicity rocked in the cockpit with the hits. Need to pull back.

Once more engaging her jump jets, Felicity flew North East to better use the cover of the trees and to get a parting shot at the Phoenix Hawk.

(Jumping to 2808 facing NW. Fire PPC at the Phoenix Hawk)
Fortunate Ones * Mechwarrior * Sneaky * Hidey * Lucky * Gullible * Prosthesis * Owes Nora a big favor * FWL * Canopus Promoter
Rank: 1.2 | Fame: 2.0
Languages: English & Spanish
Carries: Armor padded jacket, loose hoodie or sweater over a tank top, cap, airy skirts and steel capped boots. Video imager. SMG or AR when expecting combat
In mech: Cooling vest, rations, guns, ammo, plastiflesh and a Comm Kit in a backpack

Snorri Tycho

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Post Tue Dec 01, 2020 12:56 pm

Re: Event: Dawn of the Dragon (Day 5, EM)

"Shimata!" Snorri uses a curse he had picked up from his academy days as his fire whizzes by the Jenner, which socks itself away in the forest. These guys were being disciplines, coordinating decently even as they split into groups. There was no picking off the unwary today.

"This is DJ. I don't have a clear shot on the designated target. Beginning withdrawal."

Snorri turns the Hussar and begins along his escape route when his sensors ping to the Spider sneaking up.

"We've got a tail coming. I'll see if I can discourage it"

Walk to 3012 pointing NW
Firing LL at Spider (Medium Range)
Fortunate One • Mechwarrior • Rasalhague/Draconis/It's Complicated • Lecherous • Greedy• Booze Hound• Bad Reputation
Rank: 1.2 (Staff Sergeant)| Infamy: 0.6
Pilots:OSP-26 Osprey


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Post Tue Dec 01, 2020 1:18 pm

Re: Event: Dawn of the Dragon (Day 5, EM)

The parting shots still had the chance to do damage, but it was clear that the worst of the fighting was breaking off temporarily, as the majority of fire now was ranging shots and suppressive fire. Still, Snorri saw a PPC from a distant Panther pass near his cockpit while the Dragon unleashed a volley of LRMs from its chest, peppering the Crab, followed by a string of cannonfire which tore away large chunks of armor from the arm. (Hit CT+LA+LA, 5+3+5 damage) Lighter caliber shells whistled overhead as they came from across the battlefield, the Blackjack taking an opportune shot into the back of Yuri's Grand Dragon (Hit CTR, 2 damage)

The Phoenixhawk couldn't land any shots as it aimed at Felicity, the beams zig-zagging across her path as she jumped toward the mech. Her return fire, like that of the entire lance, went wide. energy beams and a handful of missiles lancing out and failing to strike home. Yuri, however, fired twin emerald beams, spearing the medium mech with both, slagging armor plates (hit CT+RT, 5+5 damage).

Across the battlefield, the Jagermech drew a bead on the Falcon and fired, a string of high explosive rounds detonating across the light mech's torso, rattling the narrow machine, but only scoring glancing blows (Glancing hit RT+CT, 2+1 damage)

The out of control Sholagar didn't recover, and moments later it plowed into the earth with a billowing fireball, sending debris and fragments flying (Crash - craft destroyed)

The last of the Vanguard lance slipped away, their work done, and the enemy formation began to wheel fully toward the Fire Support Lance.

---- Situation ----

Grand Dragon -- 9 LA, 2 RL, 2 RT, 2 CTR damage -- 1 heat
Firefly (Bruun) -- 10 LT damage -- 0 heat
Ostsol (Andrea) -- 11 LA, 8 CT damage -- 1 heat
Cicada (Gillian) -- 7 CT, 2 RT, 5 RL damage -- 0 heat
Falcon (Ryougi) -- 1 RT, 2 CT damage -- 0 heat
Wyvern (Maja) -- 0 damage -- 4 heat
Crab (Marik) -- 8 LA, 5 CT damage -- 4 heat
Phoenix (Felicity) -- 2 RA, 2 LL, 2 CT, 5 LA, 5 LT damage -- 2 heat
Hussar (Snorri) -- 0 damage -- 0 heat

---- Hostile Status ----

Jagermech -- -- +0
Dragon -- Destroyed
Phoenix Hawk -- -- +3
Jenner -- -- +0
Jenner #2 -- -- +0
Panther -- -- +2
Panther #2 -- -- +1
Spider -- -- +3
BattleMaster -- -- +1
Dragon #2 -- -- +1
Blackjack -- -- +1
Wolverine -- -- +1

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Post Tue Dec 01, 2020 1:41 pm

Re: Event: Dawn of the Dragon (Day 5, EM)

"Jumping back now and preparing to follow the road."

Come on Kiara. Just a bit more.

Once she landed she snapped off a shot at the emerging form of the Jenner. Then she prepared to depart!

(Jump to 3011 facing NW. PPC at Jenner#2)
Fortunate Ones * Mechwarrior * Sneaky * Hidey * Lucky * Gullible * Prosthesis * Owes Nora a big favor * FWL * Canopus Promoter
Rank: 1.2 | Fame: 2.0
Languages: English & Spanish
Carries: Armor padded jacket, loose hoodie or sweater over a tank top, cap, airy skirts and steel capped boots. Video imager. SMG or AR when expecting combat
In mech: Cooling vest, rations, guns, ammo, plastiflesh and a Comm Kit in a backpack


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Post Tue Dec 01, 2020 2:01 pm

Re: Event: Dawn of the Dragon (Day 5, EM)

As the Fortunate Ones quit the field, the majority flipped away, leaving Yuri, Felicity, and perhaps out of some sense of duty, Maja, who jumped south to provide covering fire.

The Black Dragons targeted Yuri, primarily, lasers, cannon, and missiles all raining down around the squat mech. The Phoenix Hawk, from the flank, landed a pair of hits, one Azure and one emerald beam knifing away armor (Hit RA+CT, 8+5 damage) One of the Panthers snapped a shot that hit a glancing blow with the PPC (Hit RA, 5 damage)

As he retreated, Yuri trained his weapons on the second Jenner, a PPC shot barely missing, but a full volley of missiles roaring fro the chest of his mech slammed down onto the light mech (Hit LT+RT, 5 damage each). Turning, he fired twin emerald beams at the closing Dragon battlemech, one of them smashing into the arm. (Hit LA, 5 damage)

For her part, Maja wasn't able to strike home with Large laser or LRM volley, but Felicity got a clear shot, barely landing the PPC into the central torso of the small mech. (Hit CT, 10 damage) The Jenner wobbled as it lost over a ton of armor plating, but somehow kept standing. (Piloting roll to remain standing success... somehow)

The remaining hostiles began regrouping, granting a moment for the last Fortunate Ones to slip away.

---- Battle Complete.

Fortunate Ones victory.

Event: Devil's Canyon, unlocked.
Event: They fought the law, unlocked.
Head GM :: Only GM :: Pay your bills :: Harmless

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