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Event: Devil's Canyon (Day 5, EM)



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Post Wed Dec 02, 2020 1:34 am

Re: Event: Devil's Canyon (Day 5, EM)

Some of the missiles were coming dangerously close to her cockpit. Her armour was also rapidly thinning. Felicity searched for a way out after having kept some of the enemy busy.

Going to have to just slice down the middle.

Her mech lifted off once more, sailing over the street and into the lightly wooded hills beyond. Up in the air she'd spotted the enemy pilot fleeing, as well as the downed Hussar and the Spider searching. She swore loudly before hastily flicking on her comms.

"Abs, secure DJ. Hit the Spider!"

She switched to loudspeaker as she fired an attention grabbing barrage at the Dragon.

"Leave our mechwarrior or your own is dead."

(Jump to 0906 facing south. Firing PPC and one SRM2 at the Dragon)
Fortunate Ones * Mechwarrior * Sneaky * Hidey * Lucky * Gullible * Prosthesis * Owes Nora a big favor * FWL * Canopus Promoter
Rank: 1.2 | Fame: 2.0
Languages: English & Spanish
Carries: Armor padded jacket, loose hoodie or sweater over a tank top, cap, airy skirts and steel capped boots. Video imager. SMG or AR when expecting combat
In mech: Cooling vest, rations, guns, ammo, plastiflesh and a Comm Kit in a backpack

Snorri Tycho

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Post Wed Dec 02, 2020 9:59 am

Re: Event: Devil's Canyon (Day 5, EM)

Snorri does his best to remember survival training, hearing Felicity's threat over the radio. Yes, the Spider could be trying to play cleanup. It was certainly possible. But without a clear shot, the Spider would be needing to light up a dense forest with laser fire and pray it got lucky. Snorri slinks along the forest floor, trying to stay clear and be too small for its targeting.

Trying to hide.
Fortunate One • Mechwarrior • Rasalhague/Draconis/It's Complicated • Lecherous • Greedy• Booze Hound• Bad Reputation
Rank: 1.2 (Staff Sergeant)| Infamy: 0.6
Pilots:OSP-26 Osprey


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Post Wed Dec 02, 2020 11:46 am

Re: Event: Devil's Canyon (Day 5, EM)

The wheeling melee intensified around the fallen Hussar, as Marik backed up, moving to protect the fallen Hussar and its pilot. The Spider opened fire at him, but missed with both beams, while Yuri kept up the vicious firefight he was having with the Blackjack and Panther, all three mechs blazing hot on sensors as they fired away with everything they had. On comms he snapped, "Sgt. Felicity, you've hit them hard, break west and regroup, someone pick up Tycho, and we're falling back to the next hill!"

The Blackjack looked down, firing four emerald beams and two volleys of small caliber shells, scoring a half dozen hits, though some were glancing. (Hit LT+CT+RA+LA+RT+LL, 2+2+2+1+5+5 damage), at the same time the Grand Dragon and the Panther exchanged volleys - the panther scoring two SRM hits, and the PPC ripping the right arm off the Grand Dragon completely (hit RA+LA+LL, 10+2+2 damage, RA destroyed, 1 damage Transfers to RT). At the same time, the Grand Dragon split fire among the enemy, Yuri pivoting between targets quickly and firing beams, and missiles, two lasers carving into the panther (Hit LL+CT, 5+5 damage), 3 missiles clipping the blackjack (hit CT, 3 damage), and the rear laser slicing into the Spider (hit LA, 5 damage).

The Dragon spat fire at the Wyvern as it bounded overhead, but missed, and Marik, filled with righteous indignation, unleashed all four lasers into the spider, beams of multicolored light crisscrossing over the light mech like some sort of party... one that melted away armor and steel beams. (Hit LT+CT+CT+LL, 8+8+5+3 damage). Felicty managed a single glancing hit with her SRM on the dragon, the remaining PPC blast going wide (Hit CT, 2 damage), and Alexei, swooping low, unleashed everything he had at the Panther, but the trees absorbed much of the damage, only a single laser and a handful of shells striking the mech. (Hit LL+RL, 2+5 damage)

The Dragon and Spider, both reeling from damage, both managed to stay standing (Piloting roll passed)

The spider, pivoting, kicked the Crab in the leg, but only sheared off a little armor (hit LL, 6 damage), while Yuri angrily stomped down onto the Phoenix Hawk, once, and then again. (Hit RT+RL, 12+12 damage, RL destroyed)

The enemy force began contracting back, preparing to encircle the overextended Phoenix unless it retreated quickly, while the Panther and Blackjack continued backing up the Phoenix Hawk, which used it's one arm to drag itself upright using a tree for support, achieving an extremely tenuous standing position.

Yuri backed away, heat warnings blaring in his ears as he had to slap the emergency shutdown override (Piloting to avoid shutdown passed), and the entire company were definitely starting to feel the heat as their mechs grew increasingly sluggish, harder to move and aim.

---- Situation ----

Grand Dragon -- Lots damage, RA gone -- 14 heat
Wyvern (Maja) -- 0 damage -- 11 heat
Crab (Marik) -- 13 LA, 15 RT, 5 CT, 2 RL damage -- 10 heat
Phoenix (Felicity) -- 2 RA, 2 LL, 8 CT, 5 LA, 10 LT, 2 RT damage -- 6 heat
Hussar (Snorri) -- Disabled by Ejection

---- Hostile Status ----

Jagermech ---- Destroyed
Phoenix Hawk ---- +0
Panther ---- +0
Panther #2 ---- +0
Spider ---- +3
Dragon #2 ---- +1
Blackjack ---- +0
Vindicator ---- +0

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Maja Eklund

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Post Wed Dec 02, 2020 4:20 pm

Re: Event: Devil's Canyon (Day 5, EM)

“Herr Yuri, get out of there!”

Maja was of the opinion that they should all be getting out of there, as indeed had been the plan.

((Jump jet to 0615 and LRM at the panther if we can see it.))
Fortunate One • MechWarrior • Pilots: Wyvern WVE-5N "Wurm" • Looks about as poor as she is • Small • Borderline Malnourished
Status: 1.0 • Fame: 1.0
Speaks: English and Swedense
Carries: A battered small arm, Street clothes, Sunglasses, Miscellaneous accoutrements


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Post Wed Dec 02, 2020 5:04 pm

Re: Event: Devil's Canyon (Day 5, EM)

"Working on it!" Felicity answers as she noticed she is being surrounded.

Spying some unusually dense woods at the edge of her jump range she jumps toward them. Wheeling in the air, she notes the Spider nearby and prepares to attack.

(Jump to 1110 facing north. Fire SRMs at Spider. Kick Spider)
Fortunate Ones * Mechwarrior * Sneaky * Hidey * Lucky * Gullible * Prosthesis * Owes Nora a big favor * FWL * Canopus Promoter
Rank: 1.2 | Fame: 2.0
Languages: English & Spanish
Carries: Armor padded jacket, loose hoodie or sweater over a tank top, cap, airy skirts and steel capped boots. Video imager. SMG or AR when expecting combat
In mech: Cooling vest, rations, guns, ammo, plastiflesh and a Comm Kit in a backpack


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Post Wed Dec 02, 2020 5:48 pm

Re: Event: Devil's Canyon (Day 5, EM)

As Yuri backed up, firing weapons, he exchanged fire with the teetering Phoenix Hawk, and Panther, his twin lasers stabbing out into the panther (Hit LT, 5 damage), while the pair poured in fire against him, the Phoenix hitting a Large laser (hit LA, 8 damage) into his left arm, followed up by the Panther's PPC and SRMs, (Hit LA, LA destroyed, Hit LT+RT+LT, 6+2+2 damage) As the arm burned away, the dragon teetered, and then fell (Failed Piloting roll with natural 2, hit LL+RT, 5+1 damage).

Marik backed up to stand near Snorri, dropping the cockpit ladder so that Snorri could get a hold and climb up. Firing one Large laser to bleed heat, he speared the Phoenix hawk in the chest (Hit LT, 8 damage). Taking the chance, Snorri caught hold, and the ladder pulled him up, giving him access to the hotseat where he'd be at least reasonably protected.

Pulling back, Felicity brought the Phoenix bounding back over the hill, landing and firing 4 SRMs at the Spider, scoring 2 hits (Hit CT+RT, 2+2 damage) As she landed, a huge number of shots tracked and missed, but some autocannon shells from the blackjack poured in, chipping off armor from the torso (Hit LT, 2 damage)

The Spider and Phoenix both lunged for each other, Spider punching, Phoenix kicking, and both missed, but neither fell.

Yuri pushed the Dragon up, bending it at the waist and digging in a knee. The move would definitely scratch the paint, but he got moving again, turning the limbless dragon and running it behind the trees to gain some cover. The remaining enemies began tightening their formation, forming a firing line.

---- Situation ----

Grand Dragon -- Lots damage, RA+LA gone -- 9 heat
Wyvern (Maja) -- 0 damage -- 7 heat
Crab (Marik) -- 13 LA, 15 RT, 5 CT, 2 RL damage -- 3 heat
Phoenix (Felicity) -- 2 RA, 2 LL, 8 CT, 5 LA, 10 LT, 2 RT damage -- 0 heat
Hussar (Snorri) -- Disabled by Ejection

---- Hostile Status ----

Jagermech ---- Destroyed
Phoenix Hawk ---- +0
Panther ---- +2
Panther #2 ---- +0
Spider ---- +4
Dragon #2 ---- +0
Blackjack ---- +0
Vindicator ---- +1

Head GM :: Only GM :: Pay your bills :: Harmless

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Maja Eklund

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Post Wed Dec 02, 2020 5:58 pm

Re: Event: Devil's Canyon (Day 5, EM)

The pilot grimaces at the pounding Yuri’s mech was taking. Hopefully at least he’d be able to get some cover behind the hill.

Maja continues the retreat, jetting quietly to some further cover and continuing some light covering fire

((Jet to 0618, LRM at the distant panther since why not.))
Fortunate One • MechWarrior • Pilots: Wyvern WVE-5N "Wurm" • Looks about as poor as she is • Small • Borderline Malnourished
Status: 1.0 • Fame: 1.0
Speaks: English and Swedense
Carries: A battered small arm, Street clothes, Sunglasses, Miscellaneous accoutrements


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Post Wed Dec 02, 2020 6:12 pm

Re: Event: Devil's Canyon (Day 5, EM)

"I will hold them off to cover our withdrawal. Armour's still good." Not great, but good.

Felicity's mech leaped over the trees toward another thick clump in the distance.

"Hitting the Phoenix Hawk. Suggest some shots at the Blackjack to make it move."

She turns just before landing, her particle cannon finally starting to cool after sustained use. It was about to get red hot once more.

(Jump to 0713 facing North. Fire PPC and SRMs at Phoenix Hawk.)
Fortunate Ones * Mechwarrior * Sneaky * Hidey * Lucky * Gullible * Prosthesis * Owes Nora a big favor * FWL * Canopus Promoter
Rank: 1.2 | Fame: 2.0
Languages: English & Spanish
Carries: Armor padded jacket, loose hoodie or sweater over a tank top, cap, airy skirts and steel capped boots. Video imager. SMG or AR when expecting combat
In mech: Cooling vest, rations, guns, ammo, plastiflesh and a Comm Kit in a backpack


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Post Wed Dec 02, 2020 6:54 pm

Re: Event: Devil's Canyon (Day 5, EM)

The two forces disengaged momentarily as the Black Dragons regrouped, and all of the many shots fired went wide, except for a single SRM of the volley Felicity fired, which popped off the chest of the Phoenix Hawk (Hit LT, 2 damage). The rest of the ordinance blew apart trees and rocks, scored potholes into the ancient road, and generated a great sound and fury, signifying nothing.

A small beep in her cockpit informed Maja that her LRM was nearly depleted.

The Black Dragons marched forward in formation, apart from the reckless spider, leaping high on pillars of flame to flank the retreating mechs, while their proximity alarms beeped, indicating the sholagar was on approach from the southeast. Yuri broke his Grand Dragon into a run, calling, "Eklund, can you get a stable shot at that Phoenix Hawk? Take one, if you can, and then cover the rear."

---- Situation ----

Grand Dragon -- Lots damage, RA+LA gone -- 3 heat
Wyvern (Maja) -- 0 damage -- 2 heat
Crab (Marik) -- 13 LA, 15 RT, 5 CT, 2 RL damage -- 0 heat
Phoenix (Felicity) -- 2 RA, 2 LL, 8 CT, 5 LA, 10 LT, 2 RT damage -- 4 heat
Hussar (Snorri) -- Disabled by Ejection

---- Hostile Status ----

Jagermech ---- Destroyed
Phoenix Hawk ---- +0
Panther ---- +1
Panther #2 ---- +0
Spider ---- +4
Dragon #2 ---- +0
Blackjack ---- +0
Vindicator ---- +1

Head GM :: Only GM :: Pay your bills :: Harmless

What was lost can be found again, if you only know where to look...

Maja Eklund

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Post Wed Dec 02, 2020 7:03 pm

Re: Event: Devil's Canyon (Day 5, EM)

“Ach. I’ll try. My targeting is all miss miss miss today.”
Maja carefully edges her machine forward and lines up a shot on the Phoenix hawk before firing the last of her missile alongside the brilliant light of her laser.

((Stay put, large laser and LRM at the Phoenix.))
Fortunate One • MechWarrior • Pilots: Wyvern WVE-5N "Wurm" • Looks about as poor as she is • Small • Borderline Malnourished
Status: 1.0 • Fame: 1.0
Speaks: English and Swedense
Carries: A battered small arm, Street clothes, Sunglasses, Miscellaneous accoutrements

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