Wed Dec 09, 2020 3:31 am by Felicity
"See? Now that's actually terrifying. So, they might want the HPG part of our find because of their monopoly? We could just give it to them. Maybe ask for a finder's fee. It's not like we could do anything with it, si? Can't exactly start a rival telecomms company."
Fortunate Ones * Mechwarrior * Sneaky * Hidey * Lucky * Gullible * Prosthesis * Owes Nora a big favor * FWL * Canopus Promoter
Rank: 1.2 | Fame: 2.0
Languages: English & Spanish
Carries: Armor padded jacket, loose hoodie or sweater over a tank top, cap, airy skirts and steel capped boots. Video imager. SMG or AR when expecting combat
In mech: Cooling vest, rations, guns, ammo, plastiflesh and a Comm Kit in a backpack