Re: Shopping (D1, LA, Freesquare Bizarre)
Comstar wrote:"Repairs? I don't own anything worth repairing."
The man coughed.
"Unless you can whip me up a prosthetic that'll get me up and walking and out working again, I doubt there's anything you can do for me, young man."
"And if I can?" James wasn't sure if he could, but it wasn't out of the realm of possibilities. "I'll admit, I never done a human leg before, but a mech leg can't be too different. I'm not saying it would be pretty, or that I could do it for a certainly, but I think I probably could."
Fame: 1 * Rank: 1
Languages: English, Some Swedenese
Equipment: Vid Phone, Noteputer, Anything relevant to the task at hand
Languages: English, Fluent Swedenese
Equipment: A bag of handmade toys of Battlemechs, Aerospace fighters, and animals