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Post Thu Nov 12, 2020 10:40 pm

Re: Player Characters

Name: Felicity
Callsign: KBB
Hair: Black, long
Eyes: Light brown
Age: 28
Height: 5'3"
Build: Short stack
Profession: MechWarrior
Homeworld: Restitution, FWL
Languages: Fluent in English and Spanish. Can do basic greetings and phrases in others
Personal Mech: Phoenix PX-3R-R (R for Relic) 'Kiara'

Since joining up with the Fortunate Sons the young woman introduced as Felicity has been quiet and cautious. It's up in the air whether she's shy or if she's just adjusting. She usually stays near her bunk outside of chow and shower time. However, she is sometimes sighted in the mechbay where she regularly visits what is surely an ancient battlemech. Toward the end of the journey she has been slipping out of her room a little more often and saying hello. It seems she has taken the time to learn everyone's names, so that's something. As for her, it's remarkably easy to learn one name. So far, Felicity has avoided giving out more than that, although it is surely known to Yuri and others. Why she hasn't shared it is a mystery. If the crew remains as bored as they are there might be a betting pool in the near future regarding her name. Setting that aside, the lady herself is quiet and nimble, yet polite and alert. Notably, she's also a short stack. Even with the baggy clothes she wears it's impossible to miss this. However, that only raises more questions about how she came to be a MechWarrior with her own archaic ride and her apparent military experience. While no grizzled veteran, Felicity has a level of confidence and familiarity with mech combat, interstellar travel and reconnaissance unit tactics that only a seasoned mercenary or Academy graduate would have. It's hard to believe she is either judging from her looks. A few of those with bunks near hers have whispered about what she might be hiding under her baggy clothes.

Of note to those who might have been paying attention, she has been spotted and heard practicing with a violin on her own. She also seems to talk a little more with Nora, although the Quartermaster is forever too busy for it to be more than a quick catch up. Surprisingly, Felicity sometimes volunteers to help move stuff, hold tools for the techies or to do other necessary mundane tasks at Nora's request. Nonetheless, like most of the Mercenary Company, Felicity is new to the unit and to everyone else they're working with. Hopefully she'll come to know everyone more when the mystery destination is reached. Maybe then a few of the questions surrounding her might be answered. Finally, for those who have tried interacting with her multiple times, Felicity might have come across as quite agreeable and willing to go along with others' stories or excuses. This could be a hint of a good nature, a sign that she's gullible, or a bit of both.
Fortunate Ones * Mechwarrior * Sneaky * Hidey * Lucky * Gullible * Prosthesis * Owes Nora a big favor * FWL * Canopus Promoter
Rank: 1.2 | Fame: 2.0
Languages: English & Spanish
Carries: Armor padded jacket, loose hoodie or sweater over a tank top, cap, airy skirts and steel capped boots. Video imager. SMG or AR when expecting combat
In mech: Cooling vest, rations, guns, ammo, plastiflesh and a Comm Kit in a backpack

Theodore Beker

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Post Fri Nov 13, 2020 11:50 pm

Re: Player Characters

Name: Theodore "Theo" Beker
Hair: Strawberry blonde
Eyes: Blue
Age: 27
Height: 5'11"
Build: Lanky
Profession: MechTech
Homeworld: New Earth, Lyran Commonwealth
Languages: English, German

Theo is fairly thin and unassuming seeming man generally dressed in grimy orange coveralls. He is fairly easy going and says he can fix most anything given a bit of time.
Fortunate One • Mechtech • Lyran • Gearhead
Rank: 1.0 Fame: 1.0
Languages: English, German
Carries: Noteputer, vid phone

Jan Novak

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Post Sat Nov 14, 2020 3:42 pm

Re: Player Characters

Name: Jan Novak
Hair: Grizzled Reddish
Eyes: Sky Blue
Age: 30 to 50, differs morning to morning
Height: 6'5"
Build: Sturdy
Profession: Physicist
Homeworld: Somewhere Out There
Alignment: Echo
Languages: English, Polish

Jan is a tall, middle-aged man with a grumpy disposition interspersed with an occasional irritated curse or a feat of unwitting brilliance. Bearish in constitution, he's a scientist, not a warrior. When not absent-minded, lost in whatever inner world he has in there, he's keen on burning through the good things in life, in whatever order or concurrence. There's a hypothesis he can get drunk enough to become the heart of the party, yet experimentally unconfirmed.
Echo * Physicist * Drinks and Knows Things * Swears in Polish

Thomas Moreno

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Post Tue Nov 17, 2020 1:12 am

Re: Player Characters

Name: Thomas Cesar Moreno
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Amber
Age: 26
Height: 6'2"
Build: Toned Muscle
Profession: Soldier
Homeworld: Laureles: Marik Commonewealth
Citizenship: FWL
Languages: English, Spanish

Tall and well muscled Thomas can be an imposing figure when in his Light armor and armed. Honestly at a few inches over six feet, and with a well trained physique he can be rather imposing without it., at least to some. He keeps his hair short, better to fit under a helemt, and while he does maintain some facial hair, it's never allowed to get too long. His eyes are a shade of amber almost close to copper in color and his gaze can seem stern to those that are unfamiliar with him. A product of generations of mixed decent it's hard to pin down where his family may of originated, except perhaps from his last name.

By nature Thomas is a fairly affable young man, good matured and open. Though among certain company that can be as much of a blessing as a curse, as some don't tend to be as open about subjects as he. He is a soldier though, and knows how to shut up and do his job when it comes to it. His accent places him from the Marik Coomonwealth, though he has done a bit of sight seeing it seems and is familair and comfortable with space travel.
Fortunate Ones * Solider * Tough * FWL Citizen *
Rank: 1.0 + Fame: 3.0
Languages: English, Spanish
Casual: padded clothing, revolver, baton
Bad weather: Armored EVO, Rifle, revolver, baton, bayonet
Combat: light armor, rifle, A Rifle, bayonet, revolver

Karlotta Roth

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Post Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:06 pm

Re: Player Characters

Name: Karlotta Roth
Hair: Dark. Brown or black, everyone says different.
Eyes: Generic brown
Age: 23
Height: 1.65
Build: Hearty and strong
Profession: Infantry — Battlemedic
Citizenship: Federated Commonwealth (Davion)
Speaks: English (native), German (also native)

Karlotta is no exceeding towers tall, but her large shoulders and soldier physique do help her look higher than she really is. Her acts and posture, stiff and straight, speak of toughness and confidence. She is a soldier, after all, and one who does not know how to pose as strong is half one.

She is frequently wearing her rugged soldier clothes, although not armor unless in service, having grown comfortable on them.

Under this facade, the woman is sociable and keeps a warm smile, although most conversations to a superficial level.
Last edited by Karlotta Roth on Wed Nov 18, 2020 3:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Dead! — Fortunate Ones * Field Medic * Pain Resistance * Fast Learner (MedTech) * Daredevil * Heart of Vengeance (Draconis Combine) * Hero of the People * Can't Lie * Overconfident * Federated Suns Citizen *
Rank: 1.0 + Fame: 3.5 + Infamy 0.1
Languages: English, German
Carries: Sturdy Clothing, Revolver (unloaded), bullets
Carrying when going to peril: Rifle, Bayonet, SLDF Armor, Surgeon Tools, Comm kit, Plastiflesh, Deputy Medal

Gillian Chow

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Post Wed Nov 18, 2020 12:41 am

Re: Player Characters

Name: Gillian Chow
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Age: 27
Height: 150cm (4’ 11”)
Build: Slim
Profession: Mechwarrior
Origin: an ocean world formerly in the Capellan Confederation, now under Federated Commonwealth occupation
Speaks: English, Mandarin

Appearance and manner:

A small, serious woman, Gillian is usually seen in a tank top and briefs under her mechwarrior’s cooling vest, as if ready to jump into her mech’s cockpit at any time. She tends to keep to herself and doesn’t make friends easily, but is fiercely loyal to the few she has.

Her story:

Gillian was just a young trainee when the Fourth Succession War broke out and the FedSun blitz smashed through Liao defenses. Her class of teenage mechwarriors-in-training was rushed to graduation and then immediately thrown into the front lines, which were crumpling under the Davion offensive. Few of them survived, but Gillian was one of them, piloting a light scout mech for most of the war.

In the years since the war, Gillian drifted around the Periphery, signing on with one mercenary outfit after another to try and get by. None of them have been particularly successful. A new recruit to the Fortunate Ones, Gillian’s hoping this contract might be the one that makes her fortune.
Fortunate One Sergeant • Mechwarrior • ARC-2K pilot • Small
Rank 1.0 * Fame 0.5
carries: cooling vest, pistol, phone

Aloysius Jones

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Post Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:22 pm

Re: Player Characters

Name: Aloysius Jones
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Age: 28
Build: Tall and Broad
Profession: Corporate Security
Citizenship: Free Worlds League
Speaks: English, Greek

Aloysius was born to the wealth and power of corporate society. As much as he might wish to distance himself from that world, it is intrinsically a part of him and it shows. Aly is a well-groomed and charming man. His clothing and equipment are of good quality and well maintained. He possesses keen eyes and a sharp mind and, while no scholar, he is knowledgeable in a broad variety of subjects.

Aloysius is present as a security consultant. This task was complicated when he was injured during the dropship landing. His recovery took longer than he would have liked, but he's ready and eager to return to work.
Echo Exploration Corporation » Security Consultant » Free Worlds League » Educated » Investigator » Contracted
Rank: 1.0 » Fame: 3.0

Languages: English, Greek
Carries: Padded Clothes, Vid Phone, Noteputer, Revolver, Repeater, Bullets

Ben Wright

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Post Thu Nov 26, 2020 7:06 pm

Re: Player Characters

Name: Benjiro "Ben" Wright
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Age: 28
Height: 5'10"
Build: muscular but slim
Profession: Scout, minor repair work
Citizenship: Free Worlds League

Ben is a bit above average height with a cut build very muscular but without any excess bulk. He has dark brown hair and deep brown eyes that almost look black. His eyes are sharp always watching his surroundings even when relaxing. Ben is usually clad in full survival gear when on duty but straps down to a tank top and cargo pants when not working or doing mechanic work.

Not much is known about the quiet and slightly reclusive scout that goes by Ben. A background check reveals little only a full name of Benjiro Wright a smattering of work history not staying with any employer for more than a year or so before moving to a new place.

Ben joined up with the Fortunate Ones in the last six months as a support team member scouting and working on simpler mechanical problems to take the load off the main mechanics. Ben hasn't made many connections but also likely few enemies since he mostly keeps to himself. When not on duty he is often found either reading, working out, or tinkering with his weapons and equipment.
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Fortunate Ones * Scout * Quiet * Free World's League * confident *
Rank: 1.0 Fame: 0.5
Languages: English
Carries: Sturdy Clothing, Revolver , ammo, binoculars, tech kit, survival knife

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