The pursuing forces volleyed everything they had, trying to drag down the defenders. The Crusader launched two volleys of LRMs, one smashing across the Marauder (Hit RL+RT, 5+1 damage) The Thunderbolt and Warhammer both volleyed at the Wolverine with their PPCs, scoring two hits (Hit LT+RT, 10+10 damage) The Panther volleyed PPC and SRMs into the Battlemaster (Hit LT+LL+RA, 10+2+2 damage)
Andrea, for her part, lined up her shot and then unleashed hell and fury on the shut down Cyclops. (Hit CT+LT+LT+CT+LL, 10+5+5+5+5 damage) Bruun tried to contribute, but the battered mech seemed to roll away from most of his shots, though the Pulse laser stitched across the arm (hit RA, 6 damage)
Ryougi lanced out a cannon and particle projection cannon shot, slamming a PPC shot into the Crusader (Hit RL, 10 damage)
The weight change sent the cyclops toppling to the ground, unable to respond thanks to the shutdown. (Hit RT+RA, 5+4 damage pilot injured) As the sensors reported the mech powering back up, the saw the assault mech coming to its feet.
Then the third lance entered combat range, stomping forward to join the line.
-------- Situation --------
Battlemaster-- Light damage -- 2 Heat
Wolverine -- Light damage -- 0 heat
Archer -- Light Damage -- 0 Heat
Sentinel -- minor Damage -- 0 Heat
Marauder -- Light Damage -- 5 Heat
Crab -- No Damage -- 0 Heat
Hostile Status -
Crusader -- +0
Panther -- +0
Toro -- +0
Cyclops -- +0
Thunderbolt -- +0
Warhammer -- +0
Rifleman -- +0
Marauder -- +1
Hunhback -- +1
Kintaro -- +1
Centurion -- +0